- The Village Voice [Ella Taylor]
- B and S About Movies [Sam Panico]
- Big Picture Big Sound [Lexi Feinberg]
- Chicago Tribune [Alexis L. Loinaz]
- Cinefantastique Online [Drew Fitzpatrick]
- Common Sense Media [S. Jhoanna Robledo]
- Critic's Notebook [Robert Levin]
- Dread Central [The Foywonder]
- DVDTOWN [John J. Puccio]
- Fangoria.com [Michael Gingold]
- Film Intuition [J. Johans]
- Filmsoundoff.com
- Filmstarts.de [Jan Hamm]
- German
- HellHorror.com [Florita A.]
- Horreur Web
- French
- Horror Asylum Review [Phil Davies Brown]
- Horror Digital - DVD Review
- Horror und Independent
- German
- Inside Pulse [Josh Begley]
- Love Horror
- Malpertuis
- Italian
- MatchFlick.com [Jarrod Leeth]
- metacritic.com - Reviews and Scores from Leading Film Critics
- Movieman's Guide to the Movies
- Movieman's Guide to the Movies - DVD [The Movieman]
- MSNBC.com [Alonso Duralde]
- New York Times
- ObscureHorror.com [ObscureHorror]
- Plume Noire
- Slant Magazine [Joseph Jon Lanthier]
- The Horror Club [The M'hael]
- The Horror Review [Anthony Benedetto]
- The NYC Movie Guru [Avi Offer]
- The Video Graveyard
- Time Out New York - Joshua Rothkopf
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