- Fisk Junior: Now, there is a lecture by one Swami Nala Prash. About the transmigration of souls.
- Fisk Senior: Poppycock! Think if we had souls they wouldn't get in touch? 'course they would! Think your mother wouldn't be on to me about that garden? 'course she would!
- Fisk Senior: Do not presume to judge me, young Fisk.
- Fisk Junior: I should first have to understand you, father. And that, I confess, I do not.
- Fisk Senior: Perhaps you would have to become a father first.
- Fisk Junior: Your example disinclines me to that particular comprehension I'm afraid.
- Fisk Junior: Do you believe in the transmigration of souls, Mrs. Brimley?
- Mrs Brimley: I don't believe in letting foreigners in, if that's what you mean.
- Fisk Junior: If I were to tell you, you wouldn't believe me.
- Fisk Senior: Then by all means don't tell me, I don't believe in enough things already.
- Fisk Senior: Let's go to my club. Have a stiff one.
- Fisk Junior: I thought you didn't go there anymore.
- Fisk Senior: That was in the past. This is the present, young Fisk. There's no time like the present as that Swami calls it. What was it? The eternal now.
- Fisk Senior: What about him pinching my line?
- Dean Spanley: What line Sir?
- Fisk Senior: The anteroom of eternity.
- Dean Spanley: I rather thought that common usage.
- Fisk Senior: Not at all. Out of my own head that came. Rather like having your pocket picked.
- Mrs Brimley: Sat in that chair night after night, never said a word.
- Mrs Brimley: Just nodded, sociable-like, and spat in the fire every now and again.
- Mrs Brimley: That were Albert's one bad habit.
- Mrs Brimley: I talk to the chair sometimes and it's just like old times.
- Mrs Brimley: Except the chair don't spit.
- Fisk Senior: When something has gone to the trouble of happening, it is best to consider it is inevitable, in my opinion. Learned that lesson the hard way, I did.
- Fisk Junior: [In reference to purchasing a bottle of 1891 Imperial Tokay wine] How much is this?
- Wrather: Five guineas, to you.
- Fisk Junior: Five guineas! That's a bit bloody steep!
- Wrather: These little things were sent to try us, as the man said of the pygmy judge.
- Wrather: [In reference to an upcoming dinner invitation] Might be best to let sleeping dogs lie, if you know what I mean.
- Fisk Junior: Yes, I know what you mean.
- Wrather: What if he recognizes your father, starts licking his hand? That could be damn embarrassing.
- Fisk Junior: Pygmy judge, old man. Pygmy judge.