Kelly says, "Gong chi fat choy," claiming it is "Happy New Year" in Mandarin. Although her pronunciation sounds closest to the Cantonese "Gong-Hei Fat-Choi," wishing wealth and prosperity, it seems like the Mandarin "Goongxi(e) (respectful congratulations) Faacái (to get rich or prosper)" was intended. Meanwhile, the most common Mandarin phrase for "Happy New Year" is "Xiinnián (New Year) Kuàilè (Happy)."
Note: Romanization, without utilizing either the Cantonese or Mandarin pinyin systems, varies.
The film is explicitly set in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. However the exterior shots of the television studio, filmed at Citytv's "The Forks" building in Winnipeg, very prominently feature the Citytv logo, Citytv being a Canadian TV channel only available in Canada.
When Kelly and AJ are standing in the lobby of the spin cycle studio after the class, the same extra walks behind Kelly headed in the same direction in two subsequent shots filmed in Kelly's direction (he in blue t-shirt, white shorts, white towel draped over his left shoulder, dark hair including beard and mustache), he walking toward the camera.
In early shots of Lake Michigan and downtown Milwaukee on Christmas Eve, the lake is shown as being frozen. Later, at the New Year's Day Splash event, the lake is absent any ice or frozen areas.
There is no border with Canada that is near Milwaukee.