- 10,000 Bullets [Carroll Jenkins]
- 100k Film Review [Steve Gledhill]
- 365 Horror Movie
- AV Maniacs [Todd Jordan]
- Bloody Good Horror [John Shelton]
- CGiii.com [Anderson Cutler]
- Chicasfit [chicasfit]
- Spanish
- Chuck Norris Ate My Baby [Matt House]
- CHUD.com [Troy Anderson]
- Cine Tweets [Giorgos Kalapotharakos]
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- Cine-Apocalypse
- Cinemafantastique [Damien Taymans]
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- Cinemagazine [Meinte van Egmond]
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- Cinesploitation.com [Steven Tee]
- Cool Awesome Movies [Shaft]
- Critic Nic
- DevilDead [Antoine Rigaud]
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- Dr. Gore's movie reviews [Dr. Gore]
- DVD Talk [John Wallis]
- Family-of-Horror.de
- German
- Gorepress [Sarah Law]
- Hartigan's World
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- Home Media Magazine [John Latchem]
- Horror 101 [Alex DiVincenzo]
- Horror Happy Hour [Chris Blackshere]
- Horror Movies &stuff [Mr. HoRrOr]
- Horrorphilia
- I Can Smell Your Brains .Com
- KillerReviews.com [Gregg Dumont]
- Man, I Love Films [Jason Soto]
- Matthew Hughston
- McBastard's Mausoleum
- More Horror [Michael Sieber]
- ObscureHorror.com [ObscureHorror]
- Oh, the Horror! [Brett G.]
- Schlockmania! [Don Guarisco]
- Severed Cinema [Ray Casta]
- The Digital Bits [Todd Doogan]
- The Film Buff [The Coelacanth]
- The Girl Who Loves Horror
- The Other View [Volkor]
- The Video Vacuum [Mitch Lovell]
- The Worldwide Celluloid Massacre
- Wildside Cinema [Brian Harris]
- Wildside Cinema [Jude Felton]
- Xomba.com [Pidde Andersson]
- Zisi Emporium for B Movies [Christopher Zisi]
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