She clearly had no idea where she was going with this doc. Perhaps it did start off about 'selfies'? Who knows, but it just quickly spirals out of control into a bunch of garbage about the inequality between the good 'ol privileged white-skinned people and 'all the rest'. Judging from this little romp, I think Pelosi probably suffers from tremendous white guilt and that venturing off into the 'streets' is her way of trying to alleviate her guilt by mingling with the commoners, and at one point, she very carelessly shows her true colors when she runs into a homeless white-skinned, drug-addicted man in Las Vegas and quips "Why are you taking drugs? You're a WHITE MAN... the world is set up for you". That is of course one of the most offensive things a person could possibly say to a homeless white man, as though being born a white male is like some kind of meal ticket to a wonderful life! But it just shows how incredibly out of touch she is with reality that she could even think such a thing. She sounds like some kind of pampered house cat that's never even been out in the real world and clearly doesn't have a CLUE what things are like for many white-skinned people, and that massive mistake is now frozen in time for all to see, smack-dab in the middle of this lackluster video, so she's completely sealed her own fate.
I really thought this was going to be about 'selfies', which really would have made an interesting documentary given their suspicious proliferation the world over, but instead, it really just comes off as looking like something shot by a naive teenage girl who took a film course at a local community college.