27 reviews
Being a gamer myself, I was immediately drawn in to the Guild's little world. The characters reminded me of some of my own online friends. I was impressed by the quality of the acting, all the performers are more than competent and, judging by the 'Gag Reel' they posted, do a fair bit of ad-libbing. Even if you are not a gamer, 'The Guild' is funny for it's portrayal of the inter-personal relationships between people who are only used to talking to faceless colleagues. I was particularly impressed with Felicia Day who plays Codex and her depiction of the archetypal addicted gamer, struggling to cope with everyday life. Her reaction to Zaboo, one of her online friends, suddenly turning up on her doorstep is priceless.
This is a great little show. While some people seem to have been able to see it in 'podcasts', I saw the three 'long' episodes, each one about as long as a short movie, and all of which run back to back very nicely. The show has a slow start, and the end of the first 'installment' is a bit hokey, but all in all, it's a fantastic effort which is thoroughly enjoyable.
I know next to nothing about 'gaming', and while I get the feeling that some of the more 'inside' humor relating to the gaming community may have indeed flown over my head, I think the real 'substance' of the show has less to do with gaming, per se, than the obsessions which otherwise socially reclusive people bond over. Anyone who has been obsessed with anything --- be it gaming, music, any strain of 'fandom', or any fixation on a past-time considered 'uncool' will be able to enjoy this show.
But most importantly, 'the Guild' doesn't waste too much time playing the 'cool kids/not cool kids' cliché that you might expect. Most of the social conflict arises between the defensive postures of gamers taking themselves too seriously. Some of the point of this show is, indeed, nobody is all that cool. And so embrace your inner geek and enjoy. Recommended.
I know next to nothing about 'gaming', and while I get the feeling that some of the more 'inside' humor relating to the gaming community may have indeed flown over my head, I think the real 'substance' of the show has less to do with gaming, per se, than the obsessions which otherwise socially reclusive people bond over. Anyone who has been obsessed with anything --- be it gaming, music, any strain of 'fandom', or any fixation on a past-time considered 'uncool' will be able to enjoy this show.
But most importantly, 'the Guild' doesn't waste too much time playing the 'cool kids/not cool kids' cliché that you might expect. Most of the social conflict arises between the defensive postures of gamers taking themselves too seriously. Some of the point of this show is, indeed, nobody is all that cool. And so embrace your inner geek and enjoy. Recommended.
- I_saw_it_happen
- Jun 3, 2010
- Permalink
First, if you ever delved into the world of any online gaming community, you will understand most of the references, puns, innuendos and jokes.
Secondly, this maybe the funniest thing I've seen since Sienfield, and it will always be buried under the sub-climate of gaming.
There are so many great parallels that you can see in yourself if you have done the role playing online game thing.
I cant express what you are missing in this show if you haven't seen it. Go FIND it now.
Secondly, this maybe the funniest thing I've seen since Sienfield, and it will always be buried under the sub-climate of gaming.
There are so many great parallels that you can see in yourself if you have done the role playing online game thing.
I cant express what you are missing in this show if you haven't seen it. Go FIND it now.
- silverkelt
- Jan 27, 2013
- Permalink
I stumbled on this while playing around on ITunes. I have to say this is by far the most entertaining and amusing pod-cast I have ever seen. The combination of "The Office" and RPG's is the most original concept I have ever seen. It is painfully obvious that someone on the writing staff is a Gamer. The only possible complaint I could have is that the episodes are too short. I would actually watch a 30 minute episode of this on television. Of course I am a geek, which drew me into this in the first place. I watched the first five episodes immediately, and as soon as I found the official website, I watched episode 6. I cannot wait for the newer episodes to release. I think I can say I'm truly a Guild junkie. Plus, Codex is HOT!!!
I watched the first three seasons of "The Guild" and I haven't laughed so hard in years. My wife doesn't get it; My friends do't get it, but I do, and that's all that counts. Although I am an older dude (in my 40's and I am an X-Box gamer) and I don't do any on-line role playing, I was heavily into Dungeons and Dragons as a teen, so I can totally appreciate and relate to all of the characters' personality types. I can especially relate to Vork as "the Dungeon Master" type, taking his little world way too seriously to the point of being oblivious to life's nuances. Bladezz - I knew a kid who looked and sounded just like him, in the 80's, ...Didn't we all? Clara, the mom who neglects her family in favor of the Guild (hey, that's me!). Tink, the ultimate opportunist....And Codex....ahhh....Codex, trying to keep it all together. Felicia Day is absolutely a comic genius...I wonder if she realizes this yet. Anyway, watch The Guild, you'll laugh yourself silly.
Do not be fooled by the pictures, watch a few episodes and you will be quickly charmed. A guild (not game specific) of somewhat typical gamers meet each other and interact with one another in real life. Starring Felicia Day (possibly the prettiest "nerd"redhead) among other actors that you've may seen randomly throughout the world of pop culture.
The show studies their social quirks as well as chronicles their mishaps as well as social situations that they get into as a result of their social ineptitude. The writing and production scale of this show is fairly high. And there's a lot of work that went into this show and you would appreciate the creativity of The Guild.
The show studies their social quirks as well as chronicles their mishaps as well as social situations that they get into as a result of their social ineptitude. The writing and production scale of this show is fairly high. And there's a lot of work that went into this show and you would appreciate the creativity of The Guild.
- copperncherrio
- Mar 12, 2011
- Permalink
Self directed, produced, written and even acted by many of the cast, this series of shorts brings life of online role playing games and the culture it carries to light in such a hilarious manner. I couldn't help but laugh at every episode and try to see another guild member of mine in The Guild's characters. I was in stitches from the first episode and couldn't stop watching until the season(s) were over. Fantastic acting with humor that is original. Not just original in the sense of hey they went somewhere else with that... ABSOLUTELY original, like when someone finally invented the wheel. There is nothing like it.
If you know of someone, heard of someone, or you are that someone that plays Role Playing Games online, no matter the title of the game, you will see yourself in one of these character, or even a bit of yourself in all of them. I am amazed at how they zoned into the in-game language used and managed to depict life under a headset so well. If you cannot laugh at this series, then I doubt there is anything you would find humorous.
Time well spent!!!!!
If you know of someone, heard of someone, or you are that someone that plays Role Playing Games online, no matter the title of the game, you will see yourself in one of these character, or even a bit of yourself in all of them. I am amazed at how they zoned into the in-game language used and managed to depict life under a headset so well. If you cannot laugh at this series, then I doubt there is anything you would find humorous.
Time well spent!!!!!
This is a great series. The acting is very impressive and I can't wait for season two. I have not been as addicting to online gaming as the characters but the story line and comedy is very satisfying. The acting is also very awesome. Felica Day does an great job as portraying an addicted gamer with a weird friend that is now living in her home with a crazy mother. The entire cast does a great job and they are all hilarious. I, again, can't wait for season two and I'm sure it will win more awards for the series, including another youtube award (which doesn't seem to be listed on this site :(). But again no complains about anything dealing with this show. So great job everyone working on this show!
- FaceDoWn6711
- Aug 3, 2008
- Permalink
This series is intelligent, creative, hilarious and... very, very short! If there was only one thing I didn't like about it, it's that there isn't more of it to go around. But thus is the paradox of the web-series.
This show can appeal to not just a niche, but a full subculture, a vastly ever growing community of people: known affectionately as "The Gamers". "The Guild" takes you into the lives of 6 gamers who all play the same unnamed MMORPG on a 'locals only' server. Thusly all characters happen to live near each other as well as play with each other in "The Game". The series starts out with them first meeting each in real life, and the wacky adventures that proceed.
Most of the characters are top-notch. Codex's (Felicia Day) charm is unforgettable. She stars in the series and is as beautiful as she is painfully uncertain with herself. She is and will continue to be a fun and interesting character. Felicia Day is also the writer, producer and creator of The Guild and will clearly be someone to look forward to seeing in other projects in the future!
Vork (Jeff Lewis) & Zaboo (Sandeep Parikh) have a comedic-chemistry that is unmatched even in many higher budget productions. If you don't mind conversations heavily laden with web/game lingo, then you will likely find these two to be a goldmine of LOL's.
This show can appeal to not just a niche, but a full subculture, a vastly ever growing community of people: known affectionately as "The Gamers". "The Guild" takes you into the lives of 6 gamers who all play the same unnamed MMORPG on a 'locals only' server. Thusly all characters happen to live near each other as well as play with each other in "The Game". The series starts out with them first meeting each in real life, and the wacky adventures that proceed.
Most of the characters are top-notch. Codex's (Felicia Day) charm is unforgettable. She stars in the series and is as beautiful as she is painfully uncertain with herself. She is and will continue to be a fun and interesting character. Felicia Day is also the writer, producer and creator of The Guild and will clearly be someone to look forward to seeing in other projects in the future!
Vork (Jeff Lewis) & Zaboo (Sandeep Parikh) have a comedic-chemistry that is unmatched even in many higher budget productions. If you don't mind conversations heavily laden with web/game lingo, then you will likely find these two to be a goldmine of LOL's.
This entire series is a time capsule for me to the late 00's and early 10's. I was a huge MMO player throughout the series original run (07-13.) Plus I was already a huge Felicia Day fan ever since she was in season 7 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. So this series was the perfect storm for me.
I still end up re-watching it about once a year and I still thoroughly enjoy the heck out of it each time! Highly recommended if you have ever played a MMO or any other online game with about any sort of guild, clan or group based voice chat system that's regularly used.
- choralone42
- Jul 1, 2020
- Permalink
This hilarious series addresses the real "lives" people spending large amounts of time with each other but only online.
Told in shorts, the series' blazing pace is maintained by Felicia Day's manic character trying to work out problems like her friend's characters dying as she is on the phone with her psychiatrist about her obsessive game playing or finding 'Zaboo', another character in her online guild who she has flirted with in game, suddenly appearing on her doorstep in real life.
The episodic format develops the characters as much in sight gags as in dialog. Never having quite enough time to fully explore any of the many nuances of both the characters or situations The Guild still frequently makes you laugh at each.
Told in shorts, the series' blazing pace is maintained by Felicia Day's manic character trying to work out problems like her friend's characters dying as she is on the phone with her psychiatrist about her obsessive game playing or finding 'Zaboo', another character in her online guild who she has flirted with in game, suddenly appearing on her doorstep in real life.
The episodic format develops the characters as much in sight gags as in dialog. Never having quite enough time to fully explore any of the many nuances of both the characters or situations The Guild still frequently makes you laugh at each.
Watching this in 2019. And, yes, this one is one of the kind. Even if you never played MMORPGs before (you might not get a word, or two, but context won't be lost). It's not a sitcom format(thank god! we don't need Big Bang Theory..in fact, who was first:chicken, or the egg? Answer - The Guild. I guess, Big Bang was nicely inspired...).
This was made 10 years ago and back then it was ahead of it's time AND on time. So THANK YOU Netflix for picking this little gem now! It's about time :)
- DopeLeGanger
- Apr 13, 2019
- Permalink
Even 13 years later and this is still so good! I love how this series is interesting to all ages from when I watched it on Youtube first at primary school and now as an adult. And it was the series that made web series get noticed.
- hollandsa-09070
- Nov 21, 2020
- Permalink
As a Buffy fan, and after seeing the adorable Felicia Day in the hilarious Joss Whedon Internet show, "Dr Horrible's Sing-Along Blog" (she also had a recurring role in the last series of BtVS and also appeared in Dollhouse), I then found out that she had created her own web show, so I knew I had to check it out - and when I finally did, I was not disappointed.
Day has created a wonderful set of socially inept characters whose real world lives revolve around their un-named (MMORPG) Internet game, which they play as a group, but separate from each other and (mostly) from their own homes.
Prior to one group member ("Zaboo") tracking down Day's character ("Codex"), in order to express his undying love for her (although he only knew her as her on-line character and avatar), the group had not met each other in person. As actual, social interaction between the group increases, so does the scope for comedy.
An admitted on-line gamer, Day's witty and well-observed set of otherwise eclectic characters and their gaming foibles, whilst also being joyfully stereotyped, are a great bundle of laughs - but that is also largely down to the superbly cast set of actors playing each of the main characters.
Such is the skill and ease with which they have assumed their roles, I found myself checking to see what they had all been in before, feeling sure that I had seen them in something, but instead found - to my very great surprise - that it simply was not so. For me, that is unheard of, and I feel slightly chagrined, but it is also a testament to the cast.
Jeff Lewis ("Vork") and Sandeep Parikh ("Zaboo") in particular, may well find that further fame awaits them, but as Day herself has stated, she had to turn to writing in order to find the sort of regular acting role that suited her, blaming and also thanking the very people who had constantly rejected her for parts. I don't think I've ever used the phrase before in my life, but, "You go, girl!"
Day successfully and skilfully avoids making the script and stories too reliant on gaming or Internet jargon, and as part of the extended "Whedon family", there are distinct traces of the Whedon style and humour in there too. It all which helps to give the show a broader appeal than you might imagine, if you were, say, a Hollywood TV Exec wanting to hear a pitch for a new TV show, and you were told about this - and before it had been made on the shoestring budget that it started with.
As I said up top, I went from Buffy to Dr Horrible to this, and will undoubtedly now check out "The Jeff Lewis 5-Minute Comedy Hour", so I have no doubt at all that Joss Whedon is looking on to all this very proudly - and rightly so.
Day has created a wonderful set of socially inept characters whose real world lives revolve around their un-named (MMORPG) Internet game, which they play as a group, but separate from each other and (mostly) from their own homes.
Prior to one group member ("Zaboo") tracking down Day's character ("Codex"), in order to express his undying love for her (although he only knew her as her on-line character and avatar), the group had not met each other in person. As actual, social interaction between the group increases, so does the scope for comedy.
An admitted on-line gamer, Day's witty and well-observed set of otherwise eclectic characters and their gaming foibles, whilst also being joyfully stereotyped, are a great bundle of laughs - but that is also largely down to the superbly cast set of actors playing each of the main characters.
Such is the skill and ease with which they have assumed their roles, I found myself checking to see what they had all been in before, feeling sure that I had seen them in something, but instead found - to my very great surprise - that it simply was not so. For me, that is unheard of, and I feel slightly chagrined, but it is also a testament to the cast.
Jeff Lewis ("Vork") and Sandeep Parikh ("Zaboo") in particular, may well find that further fame awaits them, but as Day herself has stated, she had to turn to writing in order to find the sort of regular acting role that suited her, blaming and also thanking the very people who had constantly rejected her for parts. I don't think I've ever used the phrase before in my life, but, "You go, girl!"
Day successfully and skilfully avoids making the script and stories too reliant on gaming or Internet jargon, and as part of the extended "Whedon family", there are distinct traces of the Whedon style and humour in there too. It all which helps to give the show a broader appeal than you might imagine, if you were, say, a Hollywood TV Exec wanting to hear a pitch for a new TV show, and you were told about this - and before it had been made on the shoestring budget that it started with.
As I said up top, I went from Buffy to Dr Horrible to this, and will undoubtedly now check out "The Jeff Lewis 5-Minute Comedy Hour", so I have no doubt at all that Joss Whedon is looking on to all this very proudly - and rightly so.
From creator and co-star Felicia Day comes "The Guild", a web-series that premiered in 2007, and recently wrapped up it's sixth (and presumably final) season online. Centered on the real-life lives of a group of online RPG gamers, the series boasts wonderful and quirky writing, a great sense of humor and characters and situations that are very easy to relate to.
Day stars as Cyd (better known as "Codex", her in-game character), a female gamer, and a member of a "Guild" in a popular online MMO-RPG. Together with other guild-members including the awkward and lovestruck "Zaboo" (Sandeep Parikh), socially detached and bizarrely over-logic guild-leader "Vork" (Jeff Lewis), lewd High School student "Bladezz" (Vincent Caso), lazy stay-at-home mom and party girl "Clara" (Robin Thorsen), and the cold (and sometimes manipulative) social-butterfly "Tinkerballa" (Amy Okuda), Codex not only contends with in-game quests, but her own real-life issues, including her social anxieties, romance and her growing real-world friendship with the other members of the guild.
The cast is absolutely wonderful. Day (whose character is the main focus of the series) is a joy to watch, being able to elicit laughs and real emotion from viewers. The remaining guild-members are also fantastic in their own ways. Perikh is hilarious and is able to balance his character's cartoonishness and emotion well. Lewis is fascinating and highly amusing with the bizarre character of Vork, being possibly my favorite member of the cast. Thorsen is a ton of fun as the party-girl who is forced to contend with being a mother... something she often fails at. Amy Okuda runs a really interesting (and very well played) roll that is actually quite dangerous- her character is a lot of fun, but also highly selfish, putting her in danger of easily being hate-able for the audience. But Okuda does a good job keeping the character at such a place that you still root for her and want her to see the error of her ways.
The format of the series is also very interesting. Each episode alternates between a more traditional route of storytelling, combined with web-cam footage of the actors playing the game, giving gaming scenes an intimate, also documentary-like style. In a very bold move, despite the game being a big focus for the characters in the series, we never really see too much of the game. We simply see the characters playing it and how it alters and affects their lives. Which is actually far more powerful than if we actually saw the game being played. It's a really smart move on the part of the creative team, which I applaud.
The writing and direction is an absolute joy, and are aided by other delightful aspects of production. This includes some clever, subtle set- design, and an amusing opening credits sequence that sets the mood quite well. And finally, there's plenty of great guest-stars in the various seasons, including a memorable role by Wil Wheaton, whom add a lot to the series.
"The Guild" is absolutely fantastic. I'd go so far as to say it's better than most television series, despite its small budget and non- tradition style and focus. I absolutely would recommend this series not only to nerds and gamers, but to anyone who is looking for a great, fun (and even relateable) laugh.
"The Guild" gets a great 9 out of 10 from me.
Day stars as Cyd (better known as "Codex", her in-game character), a female gamer, and a member of a "Guild" in a popular online MMO-RPG. Together with other guild-members including the awkward and lovestruck "Zaboo" (Sandeep Parikh), socially detached and bizarrely over-logic guild-leader "Vork" (Jeff Lewis), lewd High School student "Bladezz" (Vincent Caso), lazy stay-at-home mom and party girl "Clara" (Robin Thorsen), and the cold (and sometimes manipulative) social-butterfly "Tinkerballa" (Amy Okuda), Codex not only contends with in-game quests, but her own real-life issues, including her social anxieties, romance and her growing real-world friendship with the other members of the guild.
The cast is absolutely wonderful. Day (whose character is the main focus of the series) is a joy to watch, being able to elicit laughs and real emotion from viewers. The remaining guild-members are also fantastic in their own ways. Perikh is hilarious and is able to balance his character's cartoonishness and emotion well. Lewis is fascinating and highly amusing with the bizarre character of Vork, being possibly my favorite member of the cast. Thorsen is a ton of fun as the party-girl who is forced to contend with being a mother... something she often fails at. Amy Okuda runs a really interesting (and very well played) roll that is actually quite dangerous- her character is a lot of fun, but also highly selfish, putting her in danger of easily being hate-able for the audience. But Okuda does a good job keeping the character at such a place that you still root for her and want her to see the error of her ways.
The format of the series is also very interesting. Each episode alternates between a more traditional route of storytelling, combined with web-cam footage of the actors playing the game, giving gaming scenes an intimate, also documentary-like style. In a very bold move, despite the game being a big focus for the characters in the series, we never really see too much of the game. We simply see the characters playing it and how it alters and affects their lives. Which is actually far more powerful than if we actually saw the game being played. It's a really smart move on the part of the creative team, which I applaud.
The writing and direction is an absolute joy, and are aided by other delightful aspects of production. This includes some clever, subtle set- design, and an amusing opening credits sequence that sets the mood quite well. And finally, there's plenty of great guest-stars in the various seasons, including a memorable role by Wil Wheaton, whom add a lot to the series.
"The Guild" is absolutely fantastic. I'd go so far as to say it's better than most television series, despite its small budget and non- tradition style and focus. I absolutely would recommend this series not only to nerds and gamers, but to anyone who is looking for a great, fun (and even relateable) laugh.
"The Guild" gets a great 9 out of 10 from me.
- TedStixonAKAMaximumMadness
- Feb 16, 2014
- Permalink
Every season of The Guild gets better, meaning that I would probably give Season 1 of the show a 7/10 while Season 6 deserves a 10/10. Why is this you may ask? They went from no budget, to fan donations, to being sponsored by Microsoft and are now sponsored by Google. What does this have to with the review. Well, the seasons of this show really reflect what budget it had at the time, the sets are often overused in the earlier seasons with very little music, wide shots or locations. The camera quality is especially low for the first few seasons but you will want to push through the first few seasons for the payoffs of character development you will get in the later characters.
I feel like some characters in the show are slightly are extremely unlikable to the point of cringe-worthy in the earlier seasons. Zaboo seems even creepier that I imagine Felicia wrote him to be, Bladezz comes off as as a painful representation of a foul mouthed and ignorant teenage gamer and don't get me started with Zaboo's mother. I feel like they should have either gone for a different casting for her role or changed the centre of the jokes, I mean a 20 year old still getting baths from his mom gets old fast.
Before you say, why 9/10 then. Why not average it out to an 8? Well simply put it is an unfair score for the greatness of Seasons 4-6, I mean there are still plenty of laughs in the first few seasons but S1-3 rely too heavily on the dialog and I found myself often finding other things to do while listening to the show more like a podcast than a webseries. In the later seasons they really get it, they finally find a good mix for Vork, who is the regimented rule following leader of The Guild, Bladezz is tolerable, Tink is cute and evil at the same time, Codex is still shy but now is willing to go out of her comfort zone and Clara is still as irresponsible as ever with her parenting but now you don't feel like reporting her to the police for poor parenting but she instead reminds you of those friends who have really bad parenting. The jokes in the later seasons are also less game centred and revolve more heavily around the gamers themselves making it easier for people who are not gamers to get involved in the series. As in S1 characters often talk about increased their DP and many other references that were difficult to understand unless you had played an MMO before.
In summary, great show. Funny characters, but at the end of the day it is a webseries so locations, actors and camera equipment is usually not as high as you would expect on a regular TV show. I still highly recommend it and would probably call it the best webseries currently in existence.
I feel like some characters in the show are slightly are extremely unlikable to the point of cringe-worthy in the earlier seasons. Zaboo seems even creepier that I imagine Felicia wrote him to be, Bladezz comes off as as a painful representation of a foul mouthed and ignorant teenage gamer and don't get me started with Zaboo's mother. I feel like they should have either gone for a different casting for her role or changed the centre of the jokes, I mean a 20 year old still getting baths from his mom gets old fast.
Before you say, why 9/10 then. Why not average it out to an 8? Well simply put it is an unfair score for the greatness of Seasons 4-6, I mean there are still plenty of laughs in the first few seasons but S1-3 rely too heavily on the dialog and I found myself often finding other things to do while listening to the show more like a podcast than a webseries. In the later seasons they really get it, they finally find a good mix for Vork, who is the regimented rule following leader of The Guild, Bladezz is tolerable, Tink is cute and evil at the same time, Codex is still shy but now is willing to go out of her comfort zone and Clara is still as irresponsible as ever with her parenting but now you don't feel like reporting her to the police for poor parenting but she instead reminds you of those friends who have really bad parenting. The jokes in the later seasons are also less game centred and revolve more heavily around the gamers themselves making it easier for people who are not gamers to get involved in the series. As in S1 characters often talk about increased their DP and many other references that were difficult to understand unless you had played an MMO before.
In summary, great show. Funny characters, but at the end of the day it is a webseries so locations, actors and camera equipment is usually not as high as you would expect on a regular TV show. I still highly recommend it and would probably call it the best webseries currently in existence.
- transformer-matt
- Mar 31, 2013
- Permalink
This show is epic. It should have been picked up for full half hour episodes or something, it's in the same league as It's Always Sunny and would have easily filled full half hour slots with the characters and their shenanigans. Fun fact, I've watched this show every night to fall asleep to for the last 10 years. It has a special place in my heart.
For a web series, it's quite addictive. I'd watch one and be thrown into the next episode, then pretty soon the next series.
The Characters are roughly well established, each on a different level of obsession that makes most of them annoying, and at the same time question your own sanity because you are aware you could easily be like them....'due to the fact you watching it online in the seclusion of your own room'
You learn the traits of every character, and find them predictable when it comes to upcoming scenarios...though one character leaves you wondering how the does an attractive trendy person like you end up trapped in your own room?
Two characters you will come across you will take an instant dislike to, immediately (you will know who I mean) But continue to watch to see how others cope with them.
The Characters are roughly well established, each on a different level of obsession that makes most of them annoying, and at the same time question your own sanity because you are aware you could easily be like them....'due to the fact you watching it online in the seclusion of your own room'
You learn the traits of every character, and find them predictable when it comes to upcoming scenarios...though one character leaves you wondering how the does an attractive trendy person like you end up trapped in your own room?
Two characters you will come across you will take an instant dislike to, immediately (you will know who I mean) But continue to watch to see how others cope with them.
- DJOfRadioGallifrey
- Oct 30, 2010
- Permalink
Ignore people like shawnie138. He obviously has clear mental issues as obvious in his review wanting people to die. Moron. You don't have to be a gamer to enjoy this. It's fun. Pure and simple. Fun. I used to be a hardcore online gamer (then had to cut down due to the sheer number of adults acting like kindergarten kids in-game and ruining it for everyone else) so this got my interest. And I enjoyed it. When people start to nerd rage over a programme purely because it's unrealistic-even though it's just a TV show that's made for fun-it's obvious this show ain't for them. Just chill, relax and give it a shot. If you don't like it, it's a shame yeah. But at least you're not like the other idiotic reviewers who went into total butthurt mode over a TV show. Just grow up guys. You're embarrassing yourselves. TV shows are made for escapism. Live a little for gods sake.
- monkey101970
- Apr 12, 2014
- Permalink
Finally, a show that the gamers among us can relate to.
Felicia day has done an amazing job with this series. The characters are near perfect parodies of the different personalities you run into in gaming culture, and each is so brilliantly broken that you cant help but fall in love with them.
Codex, played by Felicia Day, has a dry and self deprecating sense of humor that any of the socially awkward among us will find ourselves relating to only minutes into the first episode. Zaboo, played by Sandeep Parikh, is nothing if not unique and brings a sense of awkward naivety to the show that parodies the popular stereotype of gamers perfectly. Felicia Day was an avid gamer for years and captured the culture with a perfect mix of accuracy and satire, and anyone who has ever so much as dipped a toe into the world of online gaming will find themselves hooked.
**It started out as a web series, so the episodes are quite short. I recommend watching them on Netflix, where they have been compiled into hour and a half long "seasons" with no having to choose new episodes in between.
Felicia day has done an amazing job with this series. The characters are near perfect parodies of the different personalities you run into in gaming culture, and each is so brilliantly broken that you cant help but fall in love with them.
Codex, played by Felicia Day, has a dry and self deprecating sense of humor that any of the socially awkward among us will find ourselves relating to only minutes into the first episode. Zaboo, played by Sandeep Parikh, is nothing if not unique and brings a sense of awkward naivety to the show that parodies the popular stereotype of gamers perfectly. Felicia Day was an avid gamer for years and captured the culture with a perfect mix of accuracy and satire, and anyone who has ever so much as dipped a toe into the world of online gaming will find themselves hooked.
**It started out as a web series, so the episodes are quite short. I recommend watching them on Netflix, where they have been compiled into hour and a half long "seasons" with no having to choose new episodes in between.
I watched this series several years ago, but felt compelled to write a review when I saw the announcement of Felicia Day's memoir.
Day's breakthrough web series The Guild is nothing short of genius. Not only is the series brilliantly written, but it is perfectly relatable. Everyone has walked (if only briefly) in the shoes of at least one of these characters, or has known one of them - whether it's the penny- pincher, the mom with a need for escape, the hopelessly romantic young man, the pervy teen, the girl who is "way too good for all of you", or the nervous wreck.
It is rare that a series captures me the way The Guild did, and I hope to see more scripted series from Felicia Day at some point in the future.
Day's breakthrough web series The Guild is nothing short of genius. Not only is the series brilliantly written, but it is perfectly relatable. Everyone has walked (if only briefly) in the shoes of at least one of these characters, or has known one of them - whether it's the penny- pincher, the mom with a need for escape, the hopelessly romantic young man, the pervy teen, the girl who is "way too good for all of you", or the nervous wreck.
It is rare that a series captures me the way The Guild did, and I hope to see more scripted series from Felicia Day at some point in the future.
- alpierce1991
- Dec 9, 2014
- Permalink
- manny-589-426367
- Jan 22, 2013
- Permalink
this is a good example of what people think gamers are like. i found the most insulting character to be the mother who is always forgetting here child.get it? because gamers suck as parents.don't worry they wont let you forget its a joke they keep making every 5 minutes.all of the characters are stereotypes of stereotypes from your ocd guild leader to the loser who cant hold down a job. the idea had potential and the cast is likable if it weren't for the script so i gave it a 3. i was only able to make through 3 episodes before i saw it wasn't getting better. there are some real life situations that are put in the context of a rpg. i liked that i thought that type of humor was what it was originally going for,instead you get insulted 95% of the time with bad jokes.
- sendclark-karl3
- Feb 17, 2015
- Permalink
This show paints itself as a comedy about gamers. It isn't. It is a mean-spirited caricature of the worst types the gaming community has to offer: the addict, the neglectful parent, the shameless douche, the stalker, all of them unfunny and unappealing to me.
"You're just mad because it's making fun of you." Wrong; I'm mad because the characters aren't characters, they're just unfunny archetypes that exist within the gaming community. They could've been clever or somewhat original with the comedy, but instead they serve up every half-baked joke that you'd expect from a show that makes fun of gamers: the annoying doucheface who makes inappropriate comments and who in real life no one would want to play with; the neglectful parent who LETS THEIR INFANT PUT THEIR MOUTH ON A CIRCUIT STRIP. Am I supposed to laugh at how this person is endangering their infant child? Because the possibility of a horrifying death by electricity is not humorous at all.
Now, a caricature of gamers can work. Dead Gentlemen Productions has made no less than THREE movies poking fun of gaming and how in to it gamers can get. Granted, the third was only half-good, but the point stands that their characters have more to them than just gaming. They have weird quirks and styles of playing that are hilarious to everyone except their Dungeon Master,
Overall, The Guild is crap, the jokes are not funny, and there's no real conflict to speak of that I would care about, since I would gladly load all of these people (plus the film crew) on to a rocket and send them to Ceti Alpha 5 in a heartbeat.
"You're just mad because it's making fun of you." Wrong; I'm mad because the characters aren't characters, they're just unfunny archetypes that exist within the gaming community. They could've been clever or somewhat original with the comedy, but instead they serve up every half-baked joke that you'd expect from a show that makes fun of gamers: the annoying doucheface who makes inappropriate comments and who in real life no one would want to play with; the neglectful parent who LETS THEIR INFANT PUT THEIR MOUTH ON A CIRCUIT STRIP. Am I supposed to laugh at how this person is endangering their infant child? Because the possibility of a horrifying death by electricity is not humorous at all.
Now, a caricature of gamers can work. Dead Gentlemen Productions has made no less than THREE movies poking fun of gaming and how in to it gamers can get. Granted, the third was only half-good, but the point stands that their characters have more to them than just gaming. They have weird quirks and styles of playing that are hilarious to everyone except their Dungeon Master,
Overall, The Guild is crap, the jokes are not funny, and there's no real conflict to speak of that I would care about, since I would gladly load all of these people (plus the film crew) on to a rocket and send them to Ceti Alpha 5 in a heartbeat.