Penguin goes through micro speed and expects you to have macro patience.
Keerthi Suresh's character: Stupidity written all over. The prime sense of motherhood / especially during pregnancy is all about protecting the child. It goes through the roof. I forgot the count of times that Keerthy's character as a mother left the elder kid unattended and then searching for it. Doing all crazy things that no pregnant woman would do.
Dialogues: It demonstrates the lack of life experience of the director. Not relevant most times
Cinematography: No big complaint's there
Music: I don't think Santhosh Narayanan understood the mood and tone to be portrayed. It's a classic conflict that destroys the complete movie. I don't know how the director wants to walk us through but Santosh's music taking us through a different genre (Unfortunately not good)
In essence, there is no cohesion in delivering this project. Is this a psych killer, revenge drama, strong willed mother story or new age dark themed tech thriller??
Absolutely incompetent for a theatrical release.
Pretentious and insincere acting all through. A loosely conceived, poorly designed, incorrectly executed, not so genuine bogus thriller.