A surreal experience that hits the core of the world that we live in. The film beautifully and very starkly exposes us into the complicated nuanced layered lives of people and emotions that we feel and often want to avoid. Every film by Aditya Kriplani and the team stands as a space to embrace and talk about a more complicated understanding of feminism and situations around it. This film bases itself on our need to confront and take up the role of our responsibility to support not just for ourselves but for the people around us. How, the very loneliness of our pasts and struggles binds us together and the only way through is together. The two protagonists meet at a complicated threshold. Hero is a broken human everyday falling deeper into his despair and addiction. Devi on the other hand unaware of her condition is suffering and running away from the life she has lived. In my understanding, the feminist movement is based on the communication of the two genders understanding and communication with each other. Accepting the hurt and together empowering the feminine. And by that logic stands as a strongly feminist film. The film stands at the heart of the nuanced and difficult context, demanding from them to embrace the feminine within them. Through their characters and their stories. The film runs us through the emotions, pain, hurt and the bipolarity of the world we live in. Once again questioning the notions of the society and of your own self. It is a story of courage, support and connecting to our kernel and fundamental selves through each other. A detail oriented film, the title itself makes one wonder who is the hero, keeping it open for the audience to experience. This is an important quality that every Aditya Kriplani film stands by to initiate discussion both within the society and within oneself. The film through the the story and the direction opens one to the mental health issues, addiction and very sensitively brings up questions of ethics, longing for freedom from existing connection to our demons by wanting to build a real world connection and yet being scared of it. It is a story of fear, trust, pain and diving into our darkest caves and embracing them through strength and courage welcoming wisdom. It truly displays the 'the cage we fear the most to enter holds the gem that we seek'. A fantastic, important and a cathartic experience where I found myself also confronting some darker spaces. In the end it feels a weight is lifted and brings oneself to a space of closure.