The film came into fruition in late November 2019, when Lauren Craig reached out to Rene Garcia about filming a short, one-day shoot, comedy-genre film. Rene Garcia agreed to pen a script and got together with Joel Green to write the project. The film went through several different iterations, including at one point being a zombie film where the main characters were trapped in the dollar store during a zombie outbreak. The idea was scrapped as it would be too expensive and complicated to shoot in one day. After watching the Disney+ series "The Mandalorian," Rene Garcia came up with the idea of the three characters being bounty hunters, all of them after a cashier named Don Davis. The gag would be that the three of them had no idea they were all bounty hunters. The script was approved by the actors and filming took place in early December 2019; the film was then released on 20 December 2019 online and received mostly positive feedback.