14 reviews
The complete saga is a nice blend of the two original games with several add-ons. Personally, I think they should have added quite a bit more new content but there's a decent amount such as the arcade, few replacement missions AND the ability to replay the original levels, plus some funny achievements like: crowd pleaser (kill jar jar 20 times) or shoot first (shoot greedo with solo), etc ... If you don't already have either or both of the first two games than this is a must buy.
Anyone who is a fan of the Star Wars series will be thrilled with the inside jokes and humor of the cinematics and very pleased with gameplay. The game itself is a good blend of shoot-em-up and strategic cautionary play - scalable to the user. In other words, little people can run amok shooting and jumping having fun but the mature gamers can go for achievements and carefully rack up studs.
I am hopeful that the creators will take advantage of XBOX live to create some new content for download. Cross your lightsabers.
Anyone who is a fan of the Star Wars series will be thrilled with the inside jokes and humor of the cinematics and very pleased with gameplay. The game itself is a good blend of shoot-em-up and strategic cautionary play - scalable to the user. In other words, little people can run amok shooting and jumping having fun but the mature gamers can go for achievements and carefully rack up studs.
I am hopeful that the creators will take advantage of XBOX live to create some new content for download. Cross your lightsabers.
OK I first like to start off, that most of the reviews I read gave this game lower scores cuz no new material is added. I'll admit they are correct, but it doesn't mean this game is crap.I recently bought it cuz I'm a big Star Wars fan and I love Lego. I was not disappointed. This game contains so much content and even if you are done the main game that's like only 30% percent of the game. This game contains so much replay value and is worth every penny. This game contains the highest amount of playable characters (160+) and contains some other content that I don't wanna spoil it. (Believe me its a lot). Also the game is presented in a comedic and excellent graphical way. For those who love replaying their games over and over, this is the game to get. For those of you who played one of the previous games, try rental or buy it.For those of you who have played both, its still great. I got the wii version and its still pretty fun. I'm sick and tired of those people who whine and complain that it doesn't copy lightsaber actions. Twilight Princess didn't copy exact sword motion and it still got excellent reviews. So overall this game is excellent and i highly recommend it.
- acplayer18
- Jan 1, 2008
- Permalink
This game is awesome. I just wish it was split screen for co-op but I understand that because this Game came out 11 years ago. One of the best LEGO games
- vandpres-12045
- Aug 31, 2018
- Permalink
The game is great. The fun of playing through your favourite star wars scenes is awesome. You do need to watch the first 6 films, but if you did, not only you will understand the game, but you will heavily enjoy it. The game is great for both kids and adults alike.
- yonahgoldberg
- Jan 22, 2022
- Permalink
Best game ever this is game of the year my wife left me because all i do is play LEGO Star Wars The Complete Saga please come back janice I miss you
- chrisbobplays
- Nov 5, 2019
- Permalink
This is a review of the version for the Wii. While I have not played the others, I understand that this doesn't particularly have anything new; it's a compilation of them both, and adjusts things. If your buying or skipping this relies upon only the following, then let me answer the question you may be wondering, right off the bat: No, this does not follow the exact movements you do with the Wii-mote when you're using a light-saber. You have the choice of moving it when you want to strike, which doubles as defending with it(it is honestly a matter of just using it whenever you are attacked, though if you want to do that nifty trick of deflecting of a blaster shot back at the one who fired it, you do need to nail the timing, and that's cool), and there certainly are awesome twirls and the like(and it is one of the best systems, and certainly one of the most dependable), and that's about it for that. Duelling is silly, to put it plainly. You spam the 2 jump moves, that's it. As a Jedi or Sith, you really have no options for long-range, so you'll be slowly, gradually making your way to the enemies and taking them out when you reach them. Force Powers leave you vulnerable to everyone but the one dude or bot you're using it on(yeah; you don't get to choose the one you use, and you really only have one per type. You can push droids, and make humans do that head-spinning thing from The Exorcist. ...no, I don't get it, either), and since there are no controls for switching what you're using it on(those would be *incredibly* helpful), you may wind up affecting something else(and you will seldom know exactly what you are doing, or to what effect). Those who wield guns, on the other hand, are pretty useless up close(they do have that uncanny ability to not get hit that all Hollywood leads seem to possess, however; yes, I'm telling you that you can dodge bu... uh... shots) and you can only aim by pointing them in the basic direction of your target. Oh, and if you wanna live, avoid incoming fire. No, really, picking up hearts to restore health(the main source of them are foes that you've just dispatched) means leaving yourself open to being wounded again, and thus goes the circle. Anyway, what this mainly has to boast with is content. There's quite a lot of it. This has an immensely large amount of unlockables, with 160(!) recognizable, playable characters(do keep in mind, numerous are different outfits for the same person or being; you can create two of your own, as well, using parts of others, etc.) and vehicles. This also has plenty of locations right out of the saga. The episodes each have six chapters, so there is a total of 36 levels(and a handful of them are memorable). All of them have an introductory crawl(with that said, no real objectives are ever stated, and it's all simple), and those are, along with all the famous scenes from the trilogies re-enacted in Lego(isn't it sad how, here, the ending of Ep III is so engaging, compared to the "real" one?), what the story-telling is comprised of. The first one of all 6 are available right from the start, and all three dozen can be played in 3 modes: Story, Free Play(where you can change who you're playing as and in that way get to areas otherwise inaccessible) and Challenge(timed, find ten specific things for a reward). A second player can join in(and leave from one second to the other) at *any time* for co-op by pressing + on his joystick, and there is an "Arcade" for friends to duke it out against each other, as well. This saves automatically when you complete or purchase anything. Credits are in the form of "studs", and collecting these is a trial, more so than it seems like it should be. You don't always know when they will appear(typically when you "transform" or destroy something), they go off in every direction(if there's a lethal drop nearby, say goodbye to some of them, as a bunch will go over the edge), and rather than attempt to aid you, your allies sometimes get in your way, and why the heck can you not tap into the midichlorians and attract them? You can't gather them all every time, and in that case, why not make there be fewer, and let it be possible to get them all? This skips potentially really fun parts, and in spite of you getting to "blow up the Deathstar for the bazilionth time", as the manual puts it, this could provide greater entertainment, and the majority of the things this lets you do have been seen and done better before. This isn't varied enough, for all the trying to let you do things to mix it up, like use a crane or man a turret. It frankly grows stale and can be repetitive. There's little sense of danger or risk since there are no lives, and it's basically not challenging much at all; on the other hand, it can be frustrating. Walking lacks speed, and flying goes so fast that you risk missing things you're attempting to pick up. The control is straightforward, and less limitation on what you can do would have been excellent. This is a third-person action adventure with platform elements where you solve puzzles and take out opponents, when you aren't running around as someone seemingly not strong enough for what they face; honestly, at times the amount and volume is preposterous. The camera works against you at times; don't backtrack unless you have to. Meant to be "cute", the humor is too goofy and over-the-top, and takes the seriousness out of this; it's not likely to make those above the age of five laugh. I recommend this to fans of the SW universe, especially kids. 8/10
- Jan 23, 2010
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I was never big into these Lego games, and I'm not even really a Star Wars fan, but this was a hell of a game. I thoroughly enjoyed all the different levels and playing through them on co-op!
- Analog_Devotee
- Aug 2, 2021
- Permalink
Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga is one of the best Lego video game. It has remade its first games, but add more features and you got all Star Wars stories in one game. It also offers stories from all six that stay true to the movies (and much better than the first two prequels too), fun gameplay, gold bricks as a great addition to the lego games and graphics that holds up over decades later. Overall, this game is not only one of the best Lego games, it's one of the best from Star Wars.
- TheMysteriousReviewer
- Dec 30, 2020
- Permalink
I own this game and love playing it. I have had it for a year and have still not beat it. It is fun nonetheless. I'll start by reviewing each chapter.
CHAPTER I: My least favorite. You don't unlock very many characters, and the graphics are the worst in the game. Part 5 is why it took me so long to finish Chapter I. RETAKE THEED PALACE, I think it was. It had OK graphics, but it should have been shorter, in my opinion. CHAPTER II: Chapter II was a lot better than Chapter I. It had better graphics and better characters to unlock. The only part I didn't like was Bounty Hunter Pursuit. It was Part I. I didn't like it because it was very hard to complete and took me a long time. Other than that, I liked all of the other parts of the Chapter II. CHAPTER III: My favorite in the game. It had great graphics and cool characters to unlock. I think it was best because it had easy levels and was a lot like the movie. Another reason I like it is because the levels were very close to the actual events that happened in the movie, with some small variations. Unlike the animated half hour lego movies that are not even close. I have not found all the canisters yet, which help you build mini kits, but I am very close. CHAPTER IV: Not one of the best. It was sorta like the movie, but not really. It had OK graphics, and was very hard to complete, and the canisters are extremely hard to find. It does have it's good parts, like Part II, Part III, and Part VI. Overall, I'd say it was OKish. CHAPTER V: A little better than Chapter VI, but not by much. It had great graphics, I'll give it that. 2 parts of the chapter were in the same place, but where I will not tell. The characters you unlock are pretty cool, but you don't unlock all of them that were in the movie. So it was better than Chapter VI, but not by much. CHAPTER VI: My 2nd favorite in the game. It had the best graphics in the game. It had really cool characters to unlock and they were some of the best characters in the movie and the game. My least favorite part was The Battle of Endor. It took me a really long time to complete and the canisters were very, very hard to find. I still haven't found all of them yet.
I'll fill you in on canisters and gold bricks and everything else There are 6 parts per Chapter. Chapter being different episodes in the series. Parts are different segments of the chapter. There are 10 canisters per part, 60 per chapter. There are 160 gold bricks in the game. You get a goldbrick when completing something or collecting all of the canisters in a level. You can also do extra missions, which are an option during the game. The cantina is an alternate place during the game. This is where you can buy characters. When you unlock a character, you don't automatically get to play as them. You have to go to the minishop to pay studs for them. Studs are collected when you destroy something, put something together, etc. I give this video game a 7/10. Thanks for reading!
CHAPTER I: My least favorite. You don't unlock very many characters, and the graphics are the worst in the game. Part 5 is why it took me so long to finish Chapter I. RETAKE THEED PALACE, I think it was. It had OK graphics, but it should have been shorter, in my opinion. CHAPTER II: Chapter II was a lot better than Chapter I. It had better graphics and better characters to unlock. The only part I didn't like was Bounty Hunter Pursuit. It was Part I. I didn't like it because it was very hard to complete and took me a long time. Other than that, I liked all of the other parts of the Chapter II. CHAPTER III: My favorite in the game. It had great graphics and cool characters to unlock. I think it was best because it had easy levels and was a lot like the movie. Another reason I like it is because the levels were very close to the actual events that happened in the movie, with some small variations. Unlike the animated half hour lego movies that are not even close. I have not found all the canisters yet, which help you build mini kits, but I am very close. CHAPTER IV: Not one of the best. It was sorta like the movie, but not really. It had OK graphics, and was very hard to complete, and the canisters are extremely hard to find. It does have it's good parts, like Part II, Part III, and Part VI. Overall, I'd say it was OKish. CHAPTER V: A little better than Chapter VI, but not by much. It had great graphics, I'll give it that. 2 parts of the chapter were in the same place, but where I will not tell. The characters you unlock are pretty cool, but you don't unlock all of them that were in the movie. So it was better than Chapter VI, but not by much. CHAPTER VI: My 2nd favorite in the game. It had the best graphics in the game. It had really cool characters to unlock and they were some of the best characters in the movie and the game. My least favorite part was The Battle of Endor. It took me a really long time to complete and the canisters were very, very hard to find. I still haven't found all of them yet.
I'll fill you in on canisters and gold bricks and everything else There are 6 parts per Chapter. Chapter being different episodes in the series. Parts are different segments of the chapter. There are 10 canisters per part, 60 per chapter. There are 160 gold bricks in the game. You get a goldbrick when completing something or collecting all of the canisters in a level. You can also do extra missions, which are an option during the game. The cantina is an alternate place during the game. This is where you can buy characters. When you unlock a character, you don't automatically get to play as them. You have to go to the minishop to pay studs for them. Studs are collected when you destroy something, put something together, etc. I give this video game a 7/10. Thanks for reading!
- user-543-975655
- Aug 9, 2013
- Permalink
This game is not good its amazing. I have played this game too many times to count . since november the sixth the time of this review its the aniversity of lego star wars its been 13 years since it came out ive played it since. This game will forever be in my heart and i will have a copy of it buried with me when i die and the theme of star wars will be played while my body will be lowerd thank you mom for buying this game for me all thos years ago. May lego star wars be rememberd as the greatest lego game along the lines of indiana jones from june the third 2009 and lego batman from september the 23 2008 may the lego gods look down upon you with peace.
After 15 years of this game, I went back and played it on my iPhone and it's better than I remember I love how this video game covers not just the Prequel trilogy but the Original trilogy as well! I thought that there were more achievements to unlock but nope turns out I got them all! The arcade is so much fun, the bonus levels are cool and you can even watch cutscenes just like the console version! This year not only marks the 20th anniversary of Attack of the Clones but the 45th for the entire Star Wars franchise! There's a lot more you can do with this version if you have a Mobile phone with Apple! Overall go check out this game on your iPhone and that's why I'm giving this game an 8/10 I hope you enjoy it! ;)
- samog-98289
- Sep 18, 2022
- Permalink
It's nostalgic, fun, comedic, and full of your favorite characters. I bet you will have a great time playing this game. Totally recommend this game to anyone.
Lego Star Wars the complete saga is a really good game with only a few problems with it. The comedy in this game is really funny with them not saying anything who makes me happy the developers thought outside of the box with everything. I also didn't get any game breaking glitches that I got in this game who says a lot because I get a lot of them in other Lego games that usually cause me to reset the level. The only problem with this game is the original trilogy being way too long in some levels and the puzzles not making any sense at all. But besides that it's a really good game and I would recommend it to anyone who is a Star Wars fan or a Lego fan.
- The_Gardening_Bros
- Nov 18, 2024
- Permalink