This 1-minute short film was created by David B. Earle, and uploaded on his YouTube channel in 2006. The film begins focusing on a gray-skinned girl in a dining room, spoon in hand. A fire c... Read allThis 1-minute short film was created by David B. Earle, and uploaded on his YouTube channel in 2006. The film begins focusing on a gray-skinned girl in a dining room, spoon in hand. A fire can be seen in the background. She slowly opens her eyes and begins talking backwards: ".gn... Read allThis 1-minute short film was created by David B. Earle, and uploaded on his YouTube channel in 2006. The film begins focusing on a gray-skinned girl in a dining room, spoon in hand. A fire can be seen in the background. She slowly opens her eyes and begins talking backwards: ".gnihton si erehT" As the camera zooms out to the table, she faceplants in her bowl. The came... Read all