- Pete Crenshaw: What is it about The Three Investigators that we're always going to places like "Terror Castle"? Why can't we ever go on "The Case of the Cozy Cottage," or "The Mystery of Grandma's Little Prairie Home"?
- Pete Crenshaw: Sounds like a typical Three Investigators mystery: spooky, dangerous, and impossible.
- Pete Crenshaw: So how do you explain what just happened, Jupiter?
- Jupiter Jones: I can't. That's what makes this a particularly difficult sort of extraordinary case. The kind I like.
- Pete Crenshaw: Bob, I think you've got yourself a girlfriend.
- Bob Andrews: I don't know what I've got.
- Sheriff Hanson: This is your car?
- Worthington: Indeed not, my good man. I'm chauffeur... to this young gentleman.
- Sheriff Hanson: Chauffeur, huh? We don't get too many of those up here.
- Jupiter Jones: You know, maybe you could help us. There was a girl we met last night. Red hair, pale eyes.
- Bob Andrews: Real goofy. Off the wall. Believes in all this, uh, loony hocus pocus stuff. Just... absolutely nuts. Uh, her name's Caroline. Do you know her?
- Sheriff Hanson: That's my daughter.
- Caroline: You've got a white aura. That's the color for strength.
- Pete Crenshaw: Does anybody really believe this stupid stuff?
- Caroline: I *also* see a dark shadow over your aura... *Pete*.
- Pete Crenshaw: Hey, how'd you know my name?
- Caroline: It's the curse of Terror Castle. You'll have neverending bad luck here.
- Sheriff Hanson: [only a dog's head is seen peering into their tent] What's this thing? You in there, get out. Now.
- Bob Andrews: Now a talking dog. Why not?
- Jupiter Jones: Time to apply Rule 38.
- Bob Andrews: Maybe you should try printing out a little book with all this stuff in it.
- Jupiter Jones: This is like the Bill Gates house of the 19th century. Driven by steam power and fully automated for Terrill's convenience.
- Sheriff Hanson: Terror Castle. Nobody's allowed up there. It's private property. And if I see you around here again, you'll be getting more than a warning. Don't eyeball me, boy!
- Bob Andrews: Yes, sir.
- Pete Crenshaw: Um, uh, about that curse thing - not that I believe in that stuff - but, um, how do I get rid of it?
- Caroline: You don't.