S1.E2 ∙ How to be ProductiveWed, Sep 25, 2019Monty wants Niko to be productive and clean the house. Niko wants to prove he can be productive and does it his own way, which only leads to a greater mess.Rate
S1.E3 ∙ Niko's SickWed, Oct 2, 2019Niko is sick and forced to live on the balcony so he doesn't get Monty or August sick.Rate
S1.E4 ∙ DishesTue, Sep 10, 2019Monty talks himself up to yell at Niko to do the dishes, only to find him unconscious on the ground.Rate
S1.E6 ∙ I'm Not James FrancoWed, Oct 23, 2019Niko locks Monty out of the house because he thinks he's James Franco.Rate
S1.E7 ∙ Earthquake KitTue, Nov 26, 2019Niko and Mick prepare for the big earthquake by buying more guns.Rate