Awakened from a nightmare involving a young woman being pursued up a tower, Lexa Doig (as Jenny Morris) goes to work and has a frightening vision. We learn Ms. Doig's sister was murdered by an abductor. We also learn these new visions are terrifying sightings of a red-haired girl, presently kidnapped by a pedophile. Doig has "Second Sight" about this stuff, but nobody believes her. Visiting her sister's grave, Doig finds what may be a kindred spirit in Ty Olsson (as Peter Pritchard). Together they must find the latest little victim – before it's too late...
The most engaging parts of this drama occur when the lead character is committed to, and escapes from, a sinister hospital. That creepiness is quickly dispensed with after Doig meets the missing girl's parents. The routine search continues to be interrupted by "Second Sight" visions. The origin and extent of this power is never really explained. At Doig's workplace, the girl seems to appear by herself – also, it's hinted that the perpetrator or his sister may possess the same power. The main production strength is some nicely saturated color photography, by Randal Platt.
**** Second Sight (12/1/07) Allan Harmon ~ Lexa Doig, Ty Olsson, Hrothgar Mathews, Fulvio Cecere