For a very low budget drama, I think this series was very well-made. The premise was off-putting, but having faith in the reputation of Japanese dramas, I gave it a try. I am very glad that I did. Perhaps the plot was a bit unbelievable and exaggerated, but I think it had to be in order to introduce the discourse on abusive relationships, why some people allow themselves to be taken advantage of, and what was going through their minds as they re-entered such damaging situations.
The brilliance of the storytelling is that what you see on the surface is never the entire story. With each episode, a little more information about the characters is revealed, and with these revelations, the complexities of the characters and the nuances of their psyche is established, creating a tangle of storylines that makes the viewer root for them.
The honesty and sincerity in the storytelling makes this way better than trashy stories like "Fated to Be With You" and all of its subsequent remakes in different countries. That story only aims to romanticize subservient women who wait for the man to change for the better. This story actually shows the different types of human vulnerability and the importance of being confident in who you are.