This was really fun, what the wicked looking bears were doing to their human victims was so hilariously at odds with the cheerful classic children's song that was playing throughout that it was soon making me laugh as I was tapping my foot, the design of the bears looked a bit clothy, like people in suits, but it worked because their faces looked really cruel and creepy, like they were adorable yet scary, like if the Tellytubbies had demonic expressions lol, I had a little blast with this loopy little short about bears having what for them is a grand ol time out in the forest having a bite to eat, the only thing that slightly bugged me was that it wasn't nearly gory enough, the tone and visuals of this horror short called for it to be drenched in crazy over the top gore I thought, friggin Troma level cartoon gore. Very fun, well worth watching, don't feed the bears! 💀 🐻 💀