63 reviews
A lot of people are bashing this movie to shreds. This movie is not to be bashed its hilarious. It brought me out of my depression for a little while. It makes fun of classic dance movies. It could be offensive to those with little to no sense of humor. It kinda picks at gays,African American community,fat people,whites from the suburbs,Interacialdating, All the while doing it in a realistic stereotypical way. As a ex fat girl & African American I was not at all offended. Sometimes the best comedy is the one thats politically incorrect & free to be itself. People that think this movies bad don't know comedy its better then the typical spoof like movies out there. I think the wayans brothers did a glorious job at writing it. I wouldn't say its a 10 out of 10 but I would say its def. about half of that. It deserves better applause & recognition then its been getting. It maybe stupid but its def. funny & not predictable.
- jasminemoniquebell
- Nov 28, 2009
- Permalink
I can't believe the creators of this movie think they have the right to actually diss "Employee of the Month"(2006) which I admit was not a good film, but I was just astounded. Now I will admit the movie did give me a few chuckles, but that is cause of how stupid the parodies in this is, but few of the parodies was a bit entertaining since I got most of it. I sometimes enjoy stupid comedies but the stupidity of this movie was just too much to the point it just gave me a bit of a head ache. The story is retarded and very simple, a girl named Megan who does ballet meets up with some wannabe break dancer Thomas(Damon Wayans, Jr). And they get some wacky romance going, with a bunch of stupid crude jokes thrown in to lengthen the run time which would actually have been a very short movie without it. The thing about the jokes in this movie despite it being not funny, is just way too drawn out. It just seems they went to great efforts to throw in unfunny jokes. If your someone who seen a lot of movies and get the parodies will find some of it to be very slightly amusing. But if you don't get what they are doing parodies of, you just won't get the dumb joke, because it's a inside joke for the people that has seen the movie they are trying to do parodies of and it's even a lousy attempt at that. And there is a heck load of parodies thrown in from a heck load of movies. It's just obvious the Wayans brothers was just trying to cash in, because they basically used the best bits for the trailer which wasn't even funny, so if you seen the trailer there really isn't a point to seeing this movie. This movie just makes black people look bad, in my opinion. The jokes are just vulgar and messed up while trying to go in the shock humor direction while trying to entertain the audience with the suffering of some of the characters in the movie. Which is fine if it was funny but that is not the case and it just feels like it's you that is being tormented. I must say they must have either payed the lead actress a lot of money for this role or she was just desperate for fame. The film is racist and sexist, and like I said is fine by me if it is funny, but it just isn't. This is one of those comedies where everyone is obnoxious and semi-retarded and I seen this types of comedies do quite well if they go in the right direction. But "Dance Flick" is just a jumbled mess and when the film is finished you start to wonder what just happened, because of the stupidity. And I ain't one of those critics that think they are more intelligent and superior to everyone else and go around bashing on dumb comedies that are actually quite entertaining for not being smart. But this film deserves to be bashed on. But like I said, if you get the parodies of other films which is strung up very randomly for laughs you might find it slightly amusing and will survive through it.
- KineticSeoul
- Nov 7, 2009
- Permalink
In comedy, they say, timing is everything. This movie works great when boiled down to a 30-second promo, and I was actually pretty excited to see it, even though I've never been a big fan of the Wayans' movies (and haven't even seen most of the films that this one spoofs). Unfortunately, they managed to fit most of the big laughs into that preview, so those moments didn't strike me as hard, and some of them dragged on too long and simply weren't funny at all (like the "invade my space" scene).
I do think the current rating (2.8) is a bit harsh, though. The movie isn't that bad, it just isn't as funny as I'd hoped it would be.
I do think the current rating (2.8) is a bit harsh, though. The movie isn't that bad, it just isn't as funny as I'd hoped it would be.
- OtherBrotherDarryl
- May 24, 2009
- Permalink
With the recent disappointments that have been in the spoof movie genre, we needed something fresh and funny, well we're not getting that obviously. But ever since the Friedberg/Seltzer team has joined in the "I can make a movie too" bandwagon, we were begging the Waynes Brothers to come back. The last really funny spoof movies are the Scary Movie series, they were clever and in our faces about the clichés in horror movies. The past few years we have had a major thing with dance movies like: Save the Last Dance, Step Up, Stomp the Yard, You Got Served, Honey, etc. Leave it to the Wayanes Brothers to finally put this genre in it's over clichéd and overused scripts in it's place. Unfortunately Dance Flick did not meet my expectations, it was one of those movies that used all the funny clips in the trailer. I can't even believe how many problems there was with this movie, wither it's the editing, acting, or direction, Dance Flick is a let down.
Megan is a former dancer who goes to a new school where everyone can magically sing and dance. She meets some new friends like Tracy, Charity and Thomas who is in a street dance gang. When Thomas and Megan connect they must face their "impossible" dreams together. Trying to "bring it", they work together to bring the ultimate dance group together. They also must face the difficulty of having a inter-racial relationship, as black women and white men passing them by, they try to pretend their love isn't real. But will they put all aside to help Thomas and his crew win the five grand to pay back his sponsor? Well, if you've see the "dance flicks" of the past decade, you know how it goes.
Now for some odd reason I did get a few laughs out of a stupid movie like Meet the Spartans, but that was because I kept my expectations low and knew what I was going into. With Dance Flick it was completely different, I was really excited because we have a really funny team working on the film. But they relied too much on the gross jokes, instead of getting a laugh from them, they keep pushing on the gross jokes too much on the audience and it just didn't work. The actors seemed to force their comedy too much as well where they were just not funny. The movie was also, like most spoof movies, was way too short as well, the stories didn't make sense and were just too random. I'm sorry to say that Dance Flick is just a bad movie, it has a couple giggles here and there, but the audience was silent throughout most of the film. I'd say to skip the movie, if you really want to see it, go for the rental.
Megan is a former dancer who goes to a new school where everyone can magically sing and dance. She meets some new friends like Tracy, Charity and Thomas who is in a street dance gang. When Thomas and Megan connect they must face their "impossible" dreams together. Trying to "bring it", they work together to bring the ultimate dance group together. They also must face the difficulty of having a inter-racial relationship, as black women and white men passing them by, they try to pretend their love isn't real. But will they put all aside to help Thomas and his crew win the five grand to pay back his sponsor? Well, if you've see the "dance flicks" of the past decade, you know how it goes.
Now for some odd reason I did get a few laughs out of a stupid movie like Meet the Spartans, but that was because I kept my expectations low and knew what I was going into. With Dance Flick it was completely different, I was really excited because we have a really funny team working on the film. But they relied too much on the gross jokes, instead of getting a laugh from them, they keep pushing on the gross jokes too much on the audience and it just didn't work. The actors seemed to force their comedy too much as well where they were just not funny. The movie was also, like most spoof movies, was way too short as well, the stories didn't make sense and were just too random. I'm sorry to say that Dance Flick is just a bad movie, it has a couple giggles here and there, but the audience was silent throughout most of the film. I'd say to skip the movie, if you really want to see it, go for the rental.
- Smells_Like_Cheese
- May 21, 2009
- Permalink
(Synopsis) Megan (Shoshanna Bush) has a dream of going to Juilliard and becoming a dancer. While she is performing at her dance audition, her mother is tragically killed in an auto accident. Megan must move to another city to her destitute father's apartment which is located in a condemned building. She enrolls in Musical High School, an inner city high school. Since her mother's death, Megan has given up dancing. Megan meets some new friends at the school like Tracy (Chelsea Makela), Charity (Essence Atkins), and Thomas (Damon Wayans Jr.) who dance in a street dance gang. Thomas and Megan connect, and they must face their impossible dance dream together. They try to bring the ultimate dance crew together to win $5,000 at the local dance contest.
(My Comment) The funny and inventive Wayans Brothers made this spoof movie, yet it was not as funny as the TV movie trailers would imply. This is one of those movies that used all the funny clips in the trailer. If you go in thinking it will be a funny movie, it will disappoint you. There are so many problems with the acting, script, editing, and direction. Unfortunately, Dance Flick did not meet my expectations. I did laugh at many of the scenes, but the few laughs that I did have, weren't enough. At least the movie was short. I would not recommend this movie to anyone, so save your money and see something else. (Paramount Pictures, Run Time 1:23, Rated PG-13)(2/10)
(My Comment) The funny and inventive Wayans Brothers made this spoof movie, yet it was not as funny as the TV movie trailers would imply. This is one of those movies that used all the funny clips in the trailer. If you go in thinking it will be a funny movie, it will disappoint you. There are so many problems with the acting, script, editing, and direction. Unfortunately, Dance Flick did not meet my expectations. I did laugh at many of the scenes, but the few laughs that I did have, weren't enough. At least the movie was short. I would not recommend this movie to anyone, so save your money and see something else. (Paramount Pictures, Run Time 1:23, Rated PG-13)(2/10)
- the-movie-guy
- May 28, 2009
- Permalink
Nearly incoherent mess from the Wayans brothers basically parodies every dance-themed film of recent memory and even takes stabs at other pop culture features like "Twilight" as well. Vignettes add up fast and furiously with no one in the cast making much of an impression and the film almost feeling like it had two dozen different directors and screenwriters (and none with a good cinematic idea). As good as "Airplane!" and "The Naked Gun" were in the 1980s, "Dance Flick" and others of the type are that awful in the 2000s. Do whatever moves necessary to avoid this horror of a movie which accomplishes nothing except stealing the audience's time, energy, and money. Gobble, gobble. Turkey (0 stars out of 5).
I went to see Dance Flick with a friend of mine just a couple of days ago. From the previews I thought the movie would be pretty funny and I hadn't seen my friend in a while so I thought "why not." My, I believe this is the first time I have ever stepped out of a movie theatre wishing I could get a refund. My friend and I were both able to agree that it was is probably the worst movie we have ever seen. The jokes, many of which based heavily on common negative stereotypes, were completely overplayed to the point of being down-right insulting. Some jokes just didn't make any sense whatsoever, and were disgusting. In short, the movie left much to be desired.
- mrbilal1987
- May 25, 2009
- Permalink
This is one of the worst movies I have ever seen thankfully I saw it online.If I had paid for this I definitely would have demanded a refund.I only laughed about 2 or 3 times thats it throughout the whole film thats bad for a spoof.
Shoot I even liked Disaster Movie and Meet the Spartans even own them now on DVD.But this movie was just plain awful making fun of Ray Charles(low-class).Making light of the incident where Brandy accidentally wound up costing an innocent person their life(despicable).
This movie seemed to drag on and on and on it literally bored me to death and the ending wth?!That has got to be the worst ending of any movie I've ever seen period .It made no sense to the rest of the movie and the movie it was spoofing.Plus the acting in this film:BAD flat out terrible.The jokes were forced repetitive stale and boring just seemed more like torture after a while.
The youngest Wayans debut in this movie was not a good one he needs to take some definite acting lessons he sounded like he was reading off the script while he was talking .Shoshanna Bushs character seemed lost confused and made certain facial expressions other than that her acting was also terrible she couldn't even fake crying now THAT is really bad for any actor or actress.Wayans I am begging you stop the nightmare on spoof street while you still can please.I give this a 0 out of 10 complete waste of time thank god I didn't spend money on this tripe.Oh and that part about invading space was wrong that was like promoting abuse towards women subliminally in that one scene.
Shoot I even liked Disaster Movie and Meet the Spartans even own them now on DVD.But this movie was just plain awful making fun of Ray Charles(low-class).Making light of the incident where Brandy accidentally wound up costing an innocent person their life(despicable).
This movie seemed to drag on and on and on it literally bored me to death and the ending wth?!That has got to be the worst ending of any movie I've ever seen period .It made no sense to the rest of the movie and the movie it was spoofing.Plus the acting in this film:BAD flat out terrible.The jokes were forced repetitive stale and boring just seemed more like torture after a while.
The youngest Wayans debut in this movie was not a good one he needs to take some definite acting lessons he sounded like he was reading off the script while he was talking .Shoshanna Bushs character seemed lost confused and made certain facial expressions other than that her acting was also terrible she couldn't even fake crying now THAT is really bad for any actor or actress.Wayans I am begging you stop the nightmare on spoof street while you still can please.I give this a 0 out of 10 complete waste of time thank god I didn't spend money on this tripe.Oh and that part about invading space was wrong that was like promoting abuse towards women subliminally in that one scene.
- davidbeckham1441
- May 31, 2009
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- Jackpollins
- Aug 13, 2009
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My wife and I, along with our 4 sons, walked out on this movie. This movie was misogynistic and pornographic.
Guess what? Our kids hated it as well; they were stunned and said it was "just weird". We came home and explained to our kids we don't approve of this garbage. The trailers didn't convey whatsoever the degradation celebrated in this trashy film.
I enjoyed "Something about Mary", love Monty Python, Fawlty Towers, and Hot Fuzz etc. Assuming you can look past the tired, sophomoric attempts at pornographic humor, the not-so-funny gratuitous violence, "Dance Flick" simply is not funny and it certainly isn't intelligent.
Seems that we are not alone in our assessment of this terrible movie. We spoke to the manager after walking out, he agreed with us, apologized, and gave us compensation for our movie tickets. This movie shouldn't be rated PG-13; I recommend a rating of R. But still, I can't imagine any adult deriving any real entertainment value from "Dance Flick". Do not waste your time; it isn't even worth renting when it comes out on DVD. Yeah, it's that bad.
Guess what? Our kids hated it as well; they were stunned and said it was "just weird". We came home and explained to our kids we don't approve of this garbage. The trailers didn't convey whatsoever the degradation celebrated in this trashy film.
I enjoyed "Something about Mary", love Monty Python, Fawlty Towers, and Hot Fuzz etc. Assuming you can look past the tired, sophomoric attempts at pornographic humor, the not-so-funny gratuitous violence, "Dance Flick" simply is not funny and it certainly isn't intelligent.
Seems that we are not alone in our assessment of this terrible movie. We spoke to the manager after walking out, he agreed with us, apologized, and gave us compensation for our movie tickets. This movie shouldn't be rated PG-13; I recommend a rating of R. But still, I can't imagine any adult deriving any real entertainment value from "Dance Flick". Do not waste your time; it isn't even worth renting when it comes out on DVD. Yeah, it's that bad.
It's a great parody film really funny and if you think the acting is bad that's literally the whole point it's a parody film don't rate a film bad because your humor is linear.
- makaylatran-55770
- Jan 21, 2021
- Permalink
When I first saw the preview for this one, I found myself hoping against hope that the family that brought us I'm Gonna Get You, Sucka and In Living Color would step up to offer us a funny movie after White Chicks and Little Man. Honestly, I never bothered to watch those films, as the trailers were so screamingly unfunny to me.
And now I find myself horrified at the average rating of 3.3 out of ten on IMDb(as of opening weekend) for Dance Flick, which I consider a loooong awaited return to form for Keenan Ivory Wayans, and a revelation of the rebirth of that satirical spark from the earliest days of In Living Color. In fact, Dance Flick even tops all modern attempts at satire by Zucker proteges Friedberg and Seltzer (Disaster Movie,Meet the Spartans, Epic Movie, Date Movie) and even David Zucker himself (though, curiously, it seemed to me that Shawn and Marlon Wayans were in his orbit for an over decade long meltdown, including his involvement in the Scary Movie series and, finally, last year's unfunny and politically confused An American Carol).
Here's reason # 1 why Dance Flick tops it: it shows every sign that it was made by adults who actually watched the movies they're lampooning in their entireity (Gasp! Imagine that!). It's not surprising to me that a number of the more negative reviews on here ignore jokes based on movies like Little Miss Sunshine or Twilight, since those gags seemed to have been written by people who sat and watched more than the trailers for those films.
Reason #2: A good cast given a chance to shine. David Alan Grier's Showgirls parody was a great use of DAG's singing talents. Yes, he had to act through a fat suit for most of this film (ala Martin Lawrence and Eddie Murphy), but his performance so made up for his participation in Zucker's Carol.
Essence Atkins is hilarious as Charity, the student mom who hangs her baby carrier up in her locker, baby intact, telling the waif to "breathe through the vents."
Shoshanna Bush plays Megan White, who makes a bizarre choice for her Julliard audition, and whose mom seems on the edge of a "tragic" fate (in one of the funnier sequences in the film).
Damon Wayans, Jr., however, is a revelation as a chip off a really funny block. He plays Thomas Uncles (if you can't sit well with that joke, please go rent I'm Gonna Get You Sucka and then we'll talk), a young dancer in a street crew who's also a starry-eyed med school hopeful in what's described as a "Cosby sweater." Damon Jr. shows acting and humor chops equal to any in the previous generation of Wayans, and hopefully gets the chance to work on something at least this funny again.
Reason # 3: The director. Damien Dante Wayans demonstrates the difference between throwing a grab bag of lame material at the screen versus an attempt at layers of jokes.
Reason # 4: Continuity. This film, finally, feels like a product produced by people responsible for Hollywood Shuffle and I'm Gonna Get You Sucka. I'd gladly watch this film again, right alongside the previous two. Each of the films take out the satirical knives to point out the silliness inherent in a lot of pop cinema, but with affection.
Reason # 5: The jokes are funny. The movie is chock-a-block with well-timed gags, right down to the set decoration and costuming. Yes, there is evidence of jokes about Hairspray and Ray that are barely used, and the film is far from perfect. But the difference is in the funny. This is, and is so worth your time.
And now I find myself horrified at the average rating of 3.3 out of ten on IMDb(as of opening weekend) for Dance Flick, which I consider a loooong awaited return to form for Keenan Ivory Wayans, and a revelation of the rebirth of that satirical spark from the earliest days of In Living Color. In fact, Dance Flick even tops all modern attempts at satire by Zucker proteges Friedberg and Seltzer (Disaster Movie,Meet the Spartans, Epic Movie, Date Movie) and even David Zucker himself (though, curiously, it seemed to me that Shawn and Marlon Wayans were in his orbit for an over decade long meltdown, including his involvement in the Scary Movie series and, finally, last year's unfunny and politically confused An American Carol).
Here's reason # 1 why Dance Flick tops it: it shows every sign that it was made by adults who actually watched the movies they're lampooning in their entireity (Gasp! Imagine that!). It's not surprising to me that a number of the more negative reviews on here ignore jokes based on movies like Little Miss Sunshine or Twilight, since those gags seemed to have been written by people who sat and watched more than the trailers for those films.
Reason #2: A good cast given a chance to shine. David Alan Grier's Showgirls parody was a great use of DAG's singing talents. Yes, he had to act through a fat suit for most of this film (ala Martin Lawrence and Eddie Murphy), but his performance so made up for his participation in Zucker's Carol.
Essence Atkins is hilarious as Charity, the student mom who hangs her baby carrier up in her locker, baby intact, telling the waif to "breathe through the vents."
Shoshanna Bush plays Megan White, who makes a bizarre choice for her Julliard audition, and whose mom seems on the edge of a "tragic" fate (in one of the funnier sequences in the film).
Damon Wayans, Jr., however, is a revelation as a chip off a really funny block. He plays Thomas Uncles (if you can't sit well with that joke, please go rent I'm Gonna Get You Sucka and then we'll talk), a young dancer in a street crew who's also a starry-eyed med school hopeful in what's described as a "Cosby sweater." Damon Jr. shows acting and humor chops equal to any in the previous generation of Wayans, and hopefully gets the chance to work on something at least this funny again.
Reason # 3: The director. Damien Dante Wayans demonstrates the difference between throwing a grab bag of lame material at the screen versus an attempt at layers of jokes.
Reason # 4: Continuity. This film, finally, feels like a product produced by people responsible for Hollywood Shuffle and I'm Gonna Get You Sucka. I'd gladly watch this film again, right alongside the previous two. Each of the films take out the satirical knives to point out the silliness inherent in a lot of pop cinema, but with affection.
Reason # 5: The jokes are funny. The movie is chock-a-block with well-timed gags, right down to the set decoration and costuming. Yes, there is evidence of jokes about Hairspray and Ray that are barely used, and the film is far from perfect. But the difference is in the funny. This is, and is so worth your time.
- culturedogs
- May 24, 2009
- Permalink
I've always been a huge fan of the Wayans brothers. Their sitcoms have been hilarious along with most of their movies. I mean Major Payne was great. But I don't know what on Earth happened here. We know they have talent. We know they can be funny. When it comes down to it, this movie was just plain corny and not funny.
There were a few funny parts but I mean very very few. I would have thought they'd watch this movie themselves and realize if they released it things would be a disaster. It was just painful, and I don't know what happened. I hope the Wayans brothers can rise up after this failure and make some good stuff again. As far as this movie goes, the instant I finished watching it, I took the DVD out and broke it in two so no one else would ever have to suffer.
There were a few funny parts but I mean very very few. I would have thought they'd watch this movie themselves and realize if they released it things would be a disaster. It was just painful, and I don't know what happened. I hope the Wayans brothers can rise up after this failure and make some good stuff again. As far as this movie goes, the instant I finished watching it, I took the DVD out and broke it in two so no one else would ever have to suffer.
"Dance Flick" is the latest in a long line of "Airplane"-spawned movie parodies, this one a product of the formidable spoof-industry mavens, the Wayans Brothers. Like most such films, "Dance Flick" is a goofy, genial and instantly forgettable comedy that takes on such recent hits as "Step Up 2 the Streets" and "Hairspray" as well as more dated works such as "Flashdance" and even "Singin' in the Rain." As with all these scattershot send-ups, the movie defies the rules of logic and physics as it pokes fun at the accoutrements and style of hip hop music and culture.
Damon Wayans, Jr. plays the not-so-streetwise hood who falls for Shoshana Bush, a lame-assed white chick from the suburbs who wants to make it to Julliard but has to overcome the trauma of losing her mother in a car crash on the day of her audition. The amusing Essence Atkins costars as Shoshana's sassy best friend, Charity, with Shawn Wayans appearing as Charity's baby daddy.
It would be easy to feel superior to a film like "Dance Flick" - as most viewers clearly do - but a good part of it is actually pretty funny.
Damon Wayans, Jr. plays the not-so-streetwise hood who falls for Shoshana Bush, a lame-assed white chick from the suburbs who wants to make it to Julliard but has to overcome the trauma of losing her mother in a car crash on the day of her audition. The amusing Essence Atkins costars as Shoshana's sassy best friend, Charity, with Shawn Wayans appearing as Charity's baby daddy.
It would be easy to feel superior to a film like "Dance Flick" - as most viewers clearly do - but a good part of it is actually pretty funny.
If you look at IMDB's infamous Bottom 100 list, you might notice that there are a lot of parody films on the list...all made during the last decade or two. It seems that a lot of lazy filmmakers have found that such movies are popular...althought they are extremely stupid and poorly made. An unusual parody film is "Dance Flick"....because it parodies another Bottom 100 film, 2004's "You Got Served" (#75)...though there is precident, as the "50 Shades" and its parody are both also on this list.
Like the other parody movies, "Dance Flick" ostensibly parodies one particular film or style of film but its jokes are very broad and they attempt to parody a variety of films and pop culture. Like these films, the misses outnumber the funny jokes. And, many of the misses are generally crude and disgusting.
"Dance Flick" is a Wayons project, with seven members of this acting family appearing in the movie or in behind the camera. This isn't so surprising, as a few of the Wayons' other films have been on this list over the years. What is surprising is that like "You Got Served", the movie isn't that bad and probably should not be on the Bottom 100 List.
The story, oddly, is a hip-hop film whose star is a very white girl, Megan, who moves to the inner city and finds friends among the local teens. She is an orphan and ex-dancer who soon falls for Thomas...a guy who loves hip-hop and introduces her to the culture.
On the plus side, although the film has many misses and many of the jokes are crude, there also many hits...genuinely funny skits that made me laugh...such as the scene involving the leg, the "Fame" song as well as the bizarro ballet Thomas takes Megan to see. Along the way, you see them parody a variety of films...some of which must have gone over the heads of the audience, as they were references to 1980s films....and most folks who like these parody films are teens and young adults who likely never saw films like "Fame" and "Flashdance". On the negative side, I am sure the script would offend many, as it tends to reinforce some negative black and gay stereotypes...so politically correct folks should think twice about seeing this one. It also is a crude and stupid film nearly as often as a clever one...so it's not like I am heartily endorsing the picture...just pointing out that it's watchable and not especially terrible...as its inclusion on the Bottom 100 would seem to indicate.
Like the other parody movies, "Dance Flick" ostensibly parodies one particular film or style of film but its jokes are very broad and they attempt to parody a variety of films and pop culture. Like these films, the misses outnumber the funny jokes. And, many of the misses are generally crude and disgusting.
"Dance Flick" is a Wayons project, with seven members of this acting family appearing in the movie or in behind the camera. This isn't so surprising, as a few of the Wayons' other films have been on this list over the years. What is surprising is that like "You Got Served", the movie isn't that bad and probably should not be on the Bottom 100 List.
The story, oddly, is a hip-hop film whose star is a very white girl, Megan, who moves to the inner city and finds friends among the local teens. She is an orphan and ex-dancer who soon falls for Thomas...a guy who loves hip-hop and introduces her to the culture.
On the plus side, although the film has many misses and many of the jokes are crude, there also many hits...genuinely funny skits that made me laugh...such as the scene involving the leg, the "Fame" song as well as the bizarro ballet Thomas takes Megan to see. Along the way, you see them parody a variety of films...some of which must have gone over the heads of the audience, as they were references to 1980s films....and most folks who like these parody films are teens and young adults who likely never saw films like "Fame" and "Flashdance". On the negative side, I am sure the script would offend many, as it tends to reinforce some negative black and gay stereotypes...so politically correct folks should think twice about seeing this one. It also is a crude and stupid film nearly as often as a clever one...so it's not like I am heartily endorsing the picture...just pointing out that it's watchable and not especially terrible...as its inclusion on the Bottom 100 would seem to indicate.
- planktonrules
- Apr 8, 2019
- Permalink
Dance Flick is a movie that really isn't funny or even remotely that great. It had some funny moments but not enough to actually be called funny. The acting was bad all in the film, mostly by the lead character Megan, and Thomas. His facial expressions were weird and he was over the top too much. But its a Wayans film, acting isn't always that great in their films. The plot is spoofed from Step Up 2: The Streets. About a girl Megan who wants to live her dream to become a dancer so she moves to another school. This happens when her mother passes away. Many spoofs in this film were unnecessary and just plain unfunny like the spoof of Ray Charles from "Ray", "Fame", and others. Spoofing Ray Charles was a surprise because "Ray" isn't a dance movie, and this movie is called Dance Flick. They also spoofed "Twilight" at the very ending. I didn't laugh at anything except a few chuckles. And like others have said, many of the funny scenes were in the trailers. One funny scene was towards the end with the final "you got served" dance scene with the fat guy dancing. Also credit to Shawn Wayans character and Affion Crockett (A-con), he was pretty funny. Though overall this movie was just not funny (except a few moments)
this was the absolute worst Wayne's movie i've ever seen. the movie was a waste of my time and money. everybody in the movie theater i was in wanted a refund for their money. The move was dumb. It had no point to it. now don't get me wrong, yes it did have some funny points in the movie but with the funny points or no funny points the movie made absolutely no sense and i wish i wouldn't have wasted my money. i was very upset with the movie and so were my older and younger siblings. if i didn't know that the Wayne's were really and truly funny people i would never go see another one of their movies. but since i know they are normally very funny people i cant wait until they make another movie i just hope its much better than dance flick
- Robert_duder
- Dec 2, 2009
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- dbborroughs
- Jun 4, 2009
- Permalink
Thank you for keeping us entertained with smooth hilarious parody jokes and for using great quality cameras for a budget movie. Keep it up
- sweettendersteak
- Oct 26, 2019
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- Jbrown0170
- May 30, 2009
- Permalink