At around 10 minutes Archer swipes his fingers across the cake but in subsequent shots there is no icing missing.
Dour Dennis, the teddy bear which was recalled earlier in the movie due to defects, can be seen being removed from a shelf by a shopper at 18:14.
When Jonathan uses the PA for the first time, he presses the TALK button to speak but then he adjusts his tie with both hands and also flips through his papers with both hands.
Near the end of the film, the forklift's rear tires are smoking as it is pulling against the monster. The front tires on that forklift are the drive tires.
The credits state: "Filmed in the Commenwealth of Massachessetts"
when it should be spelled "Commonwealth of Massachusetts"
In the credits, Michael Jai White is incorrectly credited as "Michal Jai White."