This new addition to the TV detective genre grabbed my attention and I was rewarded by an enjoyable drama. I was impressed by the scenery, Nordic interiors and ambiance of this piece, and it had an atmosphere of Northern light that reminded me of other detective stories set in the north, such as Insomnia (Al Pacino, in Alaska) or Smilla's Feeling for Snow. That atmosphere was compelling and Ken Branagh's performance kept my attention, although the plot seemed to be heading in a certain direction and the answer was not a big surprise. The fact that everyone spoke English but all were clearly Swedish was amusing as well. That aspect reminded me of Gorky Park, in which all the Russians spoke with English accents. It allows the suspension of disbelief and the English-speaking viewer feels drawn into another culture. I don't usually watch detective/murder mysteries these days because I don't enjoy murder as a spectator sport, but this was worth seeing because of the performances and the unusual setting, sets, high production values and stunning photography. Looking forward to the next 2 episodes.