In an overcrowded and turbulent town, nighttime is refuge for prostitutes, hit men...and anyone else seeking a new start. When Jenny, a local hooker, disappears without a trace, the town pim... Read allIn an overcrowded and turbulent town, nighttime is refuge for prostitutes, hit men...and anyone else seeking a new start. When Jenny, a local hooker, disappears without a trace, the town pimp Armando sets out to defend his territory at all costs and find out who's behind the myst... Read allIn an overcrowded and turbulent town, nighttime is refuge for prostitutes, hit men...and anyone else seeking a new start. When Jenny, a local hooker, disappears without a trace, the town pimp Armando sets out to defend his territory at all costs and find out who's behind the mysterious disappearances. All the clues point to Father Mosqueda, the conservative and belove... Read all