This short film merely scratches the surface on multiple much deeper topics/issues (exploitation, power, war/peace and respect, and hope) that continue to occur in the present despite its depiction of a timestamp of the past. The exploitation of a (young girl) ignorant and naïve by falsely presenting tales (adulthood and defiance, love and happiness, and opportunity), which we have recently seen on the news raiding establishments for suspicion of human trafficking activities in which the naïve are promised great opportunities only to land in a situation where they succumb to their oppressors. The weak (native American fighting for her land) find themselves fighting for what is rightfully theirs, battling forces that they cannot overpower (not to spoil what is in the movie) but easily described in recent event where the native Americans battle the government over an oil pipeline that could destroy their pristine stream at any given moment of mis-operation. The dialogue describing the wars of the past and the present, their intentions for the wars and the ability to make peace upon reaching a resolution, while in the present, without elaboration we are perfectly aware of the unrest and injustice lacking reason and respect and merely based on a prejudice that lives within. At last, despite all the gruesome events we are brought back to normalcy by presenting hope in the end. I hope the author/director finds his way deeper into each of the presented topics with more great movies to watch.