330 reviews
In my opinion this is a phenomenal show with phenomenal characters, and a phenomenal story. Of course, it is not perfect, and it's absolutely NOT the best show of all time. But I recommend it to anyone. In my opinion, the acting is great. The show is about survival and the actions humans take to survive the drug business and its consequences. Why 7? Because I don't like the subtitles and you have them all the time in this show.
- paniwi-75843
- May 20, 2022
- Permalink
Ely Bams takes a bow, what an incredible show! Two things are required in a TV series for it to survive: Lead actors who give their characters intriguing depth which makes you want to see more and which will not grate in the longer term; and tight scripting.
Surviving The Cartel appears to have both elements from what I saw in this first season.
Surviving The Cartel appears to have both elements from what I saw in this first season.
I learned about this show through a social media ad. First, I was skeptical as this show is independent and only available on pay-per-view. But the trailer was so intense and the plot seemed so original that I had to watch it. After binging all 5 episodes in one night, all I can say is WOW!!! I'm a woman in my 40s and I am hooked on a Cartel show. I can't believe it. The story, the plot, the dialogue, the direction, the acting, the music are so well executed that it blows my mind.
- BrigitteAut
- May 9, 2022
- Permalink
I would have to say that I like this show, and it is definitely worth a watch. Surviving The Cartel has a good basis, the dialogue between various characters, the strong build up to the plot conclusions and the characters development is very impressive.
- lidof-25349
- May 31, 2022
- Permalink
A perfect series with a fine build-up and a perfect ending of the first season. Nothing bad could be said about Surviving the Cartel. Indeed it's a classic show. I watched all the episodes so many times. I didn't get bored of any of the moments.
- yofavo-09973
- May 20, 2022
- Permalink
The flow of the series is amazing. Surviving The Cartel offers a compelling storyline, several excellent acting performances, beautiful camera work and innumerable plot twists that keep viewers engaged through every episode.
I just finished watching this show today and I was blown away by how outstanding it was. It has some of the best scenes I have seen. This show is very solid and I enjoyed it a LOT.
I first watched this show this week, based on a friend's recommendation. I heard the premise, and was VERY interested. This show is so fantastic because of Outstanding writing, amazing characters, and performances from the actors. Surviving the Cartel is the greatest series ever on TV.
- sofod-84905
- Jun 10, 2022
- Permalink
From a standpoint of acting, how could any actor fail with these characters? With this amazing writing. How can you not act well? Each character is mesmerizing and intense in their pursuits of life. The best thing that distinguishes the series is that the level of the series continues to rise to the last episode and the series has finished perfectly.
- fopeb-43248
- Jul 4, 2022
- Permalink
The performances, the cinematography, the use of colors, the setting, the premise, the action, the dialogues, the emotions, the story, the ending - everything is outright brilliant and perfectly done.
- rajis-45819
- Jul 8, 2022
- Permalink
A really good show with an interesting storyline. Nice to get a backstory for a lot of the characters that appear in Surviving the Cartel. This TV series has a unique style and I love this show.
It has been said Surviving the Cartel is the perfect example of how to write a perfect script. The best thing about the series is the actors, the story, and the music. It's an amazing show.
- pamin-74435
- May 31, 2022
- Permalink
This show is so good. There should be another list here for shows like these. The problem is this will be the only show on that special list as nothing even remotely comes close. It's very unique.
Surviving the Cartel is a priceless piece of modern American art. Must see for everyone. Surviving the Cartel will be remembered as a timeless classic. My sister got my entire family into Surviving The Cartel and now I'm hooked as well.
- taxoy-03264
- May 26, 2022
- Permalink
If there was ever a series you could call perfect, I think this might be it. Re-Watched it 7 times and counting. I guess I liked it. If there was ever a series you could call perfect.
- nedof-27489
- May 15, 2022
- Permalink
Who is this "Ely Bams"? There is not much about him online? I'm seeing his name all over the credits. He created the show, produced it, directed it, photographed it, edited it, executive produced it and so on...WOW. All I can say that he is very talented. It very difficult to take so many tasks and to do it well, very well. This is a great show. It's undeniably well written. Can't wait for Ely Bams's next project and for Surviving the Cartel season 2.
- danap-56431
- May 20, 2022
- Permalink
The best drama on TV in twenty years, some say. As of now, I won't argue with that except to say that it's closer to call. We need to see more episodes, more seasons to make this statement official. Someone is responsible for making this such an outstanding show. Greatest show ever!
When a series is as widely praised as Surviving The Cartel, it might be useful (from a Mexican perspective) to compare it with our own top cartel shows. And in terms of strength of characterisation, it gets only a middling mark. The characters are all strong, but you can never escape the sense that they've been designed to fill a role.
This right here is a good show. Great characters, acting, and writing. Little to no flaws to be found. I have watched with much curiosity. Surviving the Cartel is my favorite and greatest show ever. The cinematography looks very inspired by the authentic western style.
Before I detail, I want to clarify that this is one of the best shows I've ever seen. I can relate to every character, and I clearly understand their motivations and goals. I can't wait to watch the next season. It is wonderful how beautifully the character arcs are.
- toviya-21263
- May 17, 2022
- Permalink
Surviving the Cartel is still a pleasure to rewatch it again, and those that have not seen the series yet are missing out on top-notch television at its finest. The team behind it did a great job!
- fimar-17323
- Jul 2, 2022
- Permalink
Surviving the Cartel has a 9.5 rating for a reason and that's because it's fantastic! It's not only one of the best shows currently on tv but it's also one of the best shows ever created.
- hevar-03007
- Jun 2, 2022
- Permalink
This is such a masterpiece. It's a terrific show and I can't believe this was done independently. Telements of this show are so details. I mean that every small detail they give us through some symbols is a masterpiece.
- wagef-12741
- Jul 4, 2022
- Permalink
I have never seen a production in which I was so integrated with its characters. Great cast top to bottom. A fascinating look at the modern urban drug trade. It's a fresh and different look at the different aspects of the drug trade. The main characters throughout the series are unbelievably GREAT.
I've resisted registering on IMDb for years because I never found a raison to do so but Surviving The Cartel has forced me to finally put in my 2 cents worth. If you liked Breaking Bad, you'll like this. It's essentially the same concept of a good normal guy put in a difficult situation where he has no choice than to become bad.