Christopher Plummer credited as playing...
- Narrator: Suddenly came a knock that made Madeline pause. Could it perhaps be Santa Claus? But no, who did Madeline see? It was her dear friend Madame Marie.
- Madeline: Bonsoir, Madame Marie, what brings you here on this snowy Christmas Eve?
- Marie: I could not get home through the storm. I was hoping you little girls could spare a warm bed and a cup of tea.
- Madeline: Ah, oui. Just wait in the kitchen, Madame Marie. Of course, I must ask Miss Clavel and please don't mind the mess.
- Narrator: And Miss Clavel said it was all right for Madame Marie to stay and spend the night.
- Madeline: Oh, Madame Marie, you can stay! You can stay!
- Madeline: But how? It was a mess in here! What happened?