This film is about the lies and deceit that led up to the second illegal invasion of Iraq.
It is told through a series of short films showing how various parties were deceived and how the deceit was pushed through.
It's a well-made documentary, but, of course, deeply depressing. How could two of the worlds larger democracies (the US and UK) allow themselves to be duped into making an illegal war by two psychopaths? This film mainly covers Phony Tony and his role in both creating and spreading the lie that there were 'weapons of mass destruction' in Iraq and suggesting that this false claim justified his invasion, even though the UN had not sanctioned it.
There are some unanswered questions - why didn't the UN pass a resolution forbidding the war? That probably wouldn't have stopped the mad duo from the invasion, but it would have made it easier to prosecute them.
Why, still today, has Phony Tony not been prosecuted for war crimes and treason? Ditto, the Shrub? Can a democracy, operating under the rule of law really ignore war crimes of this magnitude?