Christine Lahti credited as playing...
- Reese: So you're saying you've only known her for 2 weeks? Long enough for her to fanatize that the two of you were having an affair.
- Derek Charles: Affair, there was no affair.
- Reese: So you're saying she made all this up on her own, with no help from you?
- Sharon Charles: A misunderstanding? A girl tries to kill herself because of you and it's just a misunderstanding? You really think I'm going to believe that bullshit?
- Derek Charles: Do you believe me Shannon?
- Sharon Charles: No I don't believe you. You didn't even call your son back!
- Reese: Looks like they pumped her out in time, maybe they'll take her up to the icu unit on the 5th floor in the morning for psychactric evaluation.
- Sharon Charles: Did you have sex with her?
- Derek Charles: No I did not have sex with her.