Idris Elba credited as playing...
- Sharon Charles: Get out of my house!
- Derek Charles: This is crazy, Sharon. Can't you see what's happening?
- Sharon Charles: Get out of my house.
- Derek Charles: Nothing happened with this...
- Derek Charles: Alright, you just tell me whatever you want me to do, and that's what I'll do.
- Sharon Charles: Well, first, I suggest you pack your toothbrush. And then I want you to get your shaving kit, your underwear, your prophylactics if you think you need them and get your ass out!
- Derek Charles: And go where, Sharon?
- Sharon Charles: To hell! But, until then, I suggest maybe the four seasons.
- Lisa Sheridan: [from trailer] I almost went insane today; having to pretend like I was concentrating on my work when all I could think about...
- Derek Charles: [from trailer] Lisa! There's nothing going on between us.
- Ben: Come on man, where's your holiday spirit?
- Derek Charles: At home with my wife and kid.
- Ben: Call her and tell her we have a work emergency.
- Derek Charles: Do I look like a man that wants to get a divorce?
- Sharon Charles: I don't come from a family of divorce. My parents will be celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary in 3 months and I look at them and wonder if that could ever be us.
- Derek Charles: It can be us. It will be us. It is us.
- Reese: So you're saying you've only known her for 2 weeks? Long enough for her to fanatize that the two of you were having an affair.
- Derek Charles: Affair, there was no affair.
- Reese: So you're saying she made all this up on her own, with no help from you?
- Sharon Charles: What's the deal with her? You said she's plain, that girl may be a lot of things but she ain't plain.
- Derek Charles: I wouldn't know, I only have eyes for you.
- Sharon Charles: You really think that's gonna work? When is Patrick coming back.
- Sharon Charles: What's the deal with her? You said she's plain. That girl may be a lot of things, but she ain't plain.
- Derek Charles: I wouldn't know I only have eyes for you.
- Sharon Charles: You really think that's going to work? When is Patrick coming back.
- Sharon Charles: A misunderstanding? A girl tries to kill herself because of you and it's just a misunderstanding? You really think I'm going to believe that bullshit?
- Derek Charles: Do you believe me Shannon?
- Sharon Charles: No I don't believe you. You didn't even call your son back!
- Reese: Looks like they pumped her out in time, maybe they'll take her up to the icu unit on the 5th floor in the morning for psychactric evaluation.
- Sharon Charles: Did you have sex with her?
- Derek Charles: No I did not have sex with her.