- Sharon Charles: Didn't I tell you not to come to my house?
- [punches Lisa]
- Sharon Charles: Nobody touches my child!
- [punches Lisa]
- Sharon Charles: [on the phone] You listen to me. You know exactly who this is. You came into my house? You touched my child? You think you're crazy? I'll show you crazy. Just try me, bitch.
- Sharon Charles: Get out of my house!
- Derek Charles: This is crazy, Sharon. Can't you see what's happening?
- Sharon Charles: Get out of my house.
- Derek Charles: Nothing happened with this...
- Derek Charles: Alright, you just tell me whatever you want me to do, and that's what I'll do.
- Sharon Charles: Well, first, I suggest you pack your toothbrush. And then I want you to get your shaving kit, your underwear, your prophylactics if you think you need them and get your ass out!
- Derek Charles: And go where, Sharon?
- Sharon Charles: To hell! But, until then, I suggest maybe the four seasons.
- Sharon Charles: Did you not get my message?
- Lisa Sheridan: I'm so sorry. We didn't want you to find out this way.
- Sharon Charles: I knew it would come to this.
- Lisa Sheridan: I know how hard it must be to have someone fall out of love with you. I know.
- Sharon Charles: You are completely delusional. I'm gonna have the cops deal with your crazy ass.
- [Sharon proceeds to leave out of the room as Lisa grabs her]
- Lisa Sheridan: Wait! It does't...
- Sharon Charles: Don't touch me!
- [Sharon tries to walk away again]
- Lisa Sheridan: We can talk...
- [Lisa aggressively grabs Sharon's arm once more]
- Sharon Charles: [furious] I told you, DON'T TOUCH ME!
- [Sharon knocks Lisa down and tries to casually walk away again]
- Sharon Charles: [Lisa suddenly gets up on her feet and attacks Sharon]
- [Brutal catfight continues]
- Sharon Charles: [to Lisa] Come here, bitch! I'ma wipe the floor with yo skinny ass.
- [Lisa grabs the railing]
- Sharon Charles: Oh, you wanna hold on? Who's screaming now?
- Lisa Sheridan: Hi! I'm Sharon's friend, Kate. You're?
- Samantha: Samantha. Mrs. Charles is at dinner.
- Lisa Sheridan: Sharon told me to drop by, I have this present for Kyle. I'm just gonna run it up to him.
- Samantha: Oh, you can't, he's sleeping!
- Lisa Sheridan: I won't wake him.
- Samantha: Maybe you should come back another time.
- Lisa Sheridan: But I'm here now!
- Samantha: I...
- Lisa Sheridan: Oh, I get it, you're just doing your job. Good! Do you need me to call Sharon?
- Samantha: Yeah.
- Lisa Sheridan: OK.
- Lisa Sheridan: [over phone, pretending to talk to Sharon] Sharon? Hey, it's Kate. Where am I? I'm at your house, of course. You told me to drop by. No, Samantha just wanted me to give you a call, she was a little bit concerned. No, no, no, don't be upset with her. No, God, c'mon, she was just doing her job. Great. Alright, have an amazing dinner. Tell Derek I said hi. Oh, Sharon, hold on. Do you need to talk to her?
- Lisa Sheridan: [Lisa holds the phone out to Samantha]
- Samantha: No, no, I'm fine.
- Lisa Sheridan: [over phone] Alright, I'll catch up with you in the morning. Bye, honey.
- Lisa Sheridan: I'll be back in a sec.
- Lisa Sheridan: [Lisa runs upstairs]
- Lisa Sheridan: [from trailer] I almost went insane today; having to pretend like I was concentrating on my work when all I could think about...
- Derek Charles: [from trailer] Lisa! There's nothing going on between us.
- Ben: Come on man, where's your holiday spirit?
- Derek Charles: At home with my wife and kid.
- Ben: Call her and tell her we have a work emergency.
- Derek Charles: Do I look like a man that wants to get a divorce?
- Sharon Charles: I don't come from a family of divorce. My parents will be celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary in 3 months and I look at them and wonder if that could ever be us.
- Derek Charles: It can be us. It will be us. It is us.
- Lisa Sheridan: Talk about the perfect family, the three of you should be on the cover of a magazine.
- Sharon Charles: It's a good thing you wont be working here too long, I know my husband can be very demanding.
- Lisa Sheridan: I'm actually learning quite a lot from your husband.
- Sharon Charles: I bet you are.
- Lisa Sheridan: It was nice meeting you sharon.
- Sharon Charles: You too, Liz.
- Lisa Sheridan: It's lisa, you said Liz.
- Sharon Charles: Don't give that innocent bullshit, I was there at your desk! I saw how you played your games, how you played all those girls; but you never did that to me until now! What is this? Is this about me wanting to go back to school?
- Reese: So you're saying you've only known her for 2 weeks? Long enough for her to fanatize that the two of you were having an affair.
- Derek Charles: Affair, there was no affair.
- Reese: So you're saying she made all this up on her own, with no help from you?
- [threatening Derek]
- Lisa Sheridan: Ready when you are.
- [struts off to tell Derek's boss, Joe, about their "affair"]
- Sharon Charles: What's the deal with her? You said she's plain, that girl may be a lot of things but she ain't plain.
- Derek Charles: I wouldn't know, I only have eyes for you.
- Sharon Charles: You really think that's gonna work? When is Patrick coming back.
- Sharon Charles: What's the deal with her? You said she's plain. That girl may be a lot of things, but she ain't plain.
- Derek Charles: I wouldn't know I only have eyes for you.
- Sharon Charles: You really think that's going to work? When is Patrick coming back.
- Lisa Sheridan: Talk about the perfect family. The three of you should be on the cover of a magazine.
- Sharon Charles: It's a good thing you wont be working here too long. I know my husband can be very demanding
- Sharon Charles: A misunderstanding? A girl tries to kill herself because of you and it's just a misunderstanding? You really think I'm going to believe that bullshit?
- Derek Charles: Do you believe me Shannon?
- Sharon Charles: No I don't believe you. You didn't even call your son back!
- Reese: Looks like they pumped her out in time, maybe they'll take her up to the icu unit on the 5th floor in the morning for psychactric evaluation.
- Sharon Charles: Did you have sex with her?
- Derek Charles: No I did not have sex with her.