Bill Nighy credited as playing...
Rattlesnake Jake
- Rattlesnake Jake: [after Beans refuses to sign a deed] Sign the damn paper, woman!
- Beans: Go to Hell!
- Rattlesnake Jake: [wraps Beans in his coils and suspends her upside down] Where do you think I come from?
- Rattlesnake Jake: [to the Mayor] What was that you said? "Pretty soon, no one will believe you even existed."
- Rattlesnake Jake: [realizing it's a swarm of bats in the form of a hawk] Ain't no hawk, ain't nothin' but bats!
- [starts shooting at them]
- Maybelle: Stick to the plan boys, bleed the devil dry!
- [swarm spreads out, Jake laughs excitedly while trying to shoot every bat down, realizes he used up all his bullets, turns to see Rango pointing a gun at him]
- Rango: It only takes one bullet.
- Rattlesnake Jake: You ain't got the nerve.
- Rango: Try me.
- Rango: [seeing Jake has Beans wrapped in his coils] Put her down!
- Rattlesnake Jake: Or what, little man? You gonna kill me?
- Rango: [serious] That's just about the size of it.
- [after Rattlesnake Jake ran out of ammo, Rango points his gun at him]
- Rango: It only takes one bullet.
- Rattlesnake Jake: You ain't got the nerve.
- Rango: Try me.
- [His eyes turned shocked]
- Mayor: Oh, Mr. Rango! Aren't you forgetting something?
- [He watches Beans being taken into the water vault]
- Mayor: Hand me your gun, Sheriff!
- [Rango looks at his gun]
- Mayor: Now, Mr. Rango!
- [He slowly walks over to the Mayor]