A supernatural force known as the Boogeyman is stalking a campus dorm in Northern California. It's fuel is people believing in it's existence.
The film opens with a young woman named Audrey who is the daughter of Dr. Allen from Boogeyman 2. He was the lead supervising doctor at the clinic where Henry went on a murderous rampage while dressing up as the boogeyman. One night as she mourns his death, a shadowy figure comes from under her bed and pulls her under. We then go to a university in Northern California where we meet psych major Sarah and her group of friends. Audrey comes to her dorm room late at night and tells her about the boogeyman and within hours she is dead.
The boogeyman makes it look like a suicide, but Sarah saw the figure strangling Audrey. While reading through Dr. Allen's journal, Sarah reads that he believed there was some sort of actual supernatural boogeyman which got life from others believing in it. Pretty soon, she tells the entire campus her beliefs of the boogeyman through a university radio show. This gives the boogeyman strength and makes the body count rise. Will anyone survive?
Boogeyman 3 isn't a bad horror film, I enjoyed it way more than the original movie despite the much lower budget. It takes back to the supernatural boogeyman like n the first film and doesn't follow the serial killer story from the sequel. I do think this movie made the idea of the boogeyman haunting people who believe in it much more enjoyable to watch than part one. It follows a simple story and doesn't try so hard to break away from that.
The acting is definitely the weakest of the series. Erin Cahill leads the way as the main character of Sarah and does a fine job. Everyone else is fairly unknown and not all that impressive. The characters are also not really written well either. That was a flaw for me as I didn't really care who survived or not. I also found the ending to be a bit of a letdown.
Overall, Boogeyman 3 is a fine low budget horror film. It definitely felt and looked like the lowest budget in the entire series and took a step back from a pretty good second movie in my opinion. But worth a watch at least once for horror fans.