Casey Affleck credited as playing...
Rodney Baze Jr.
- Rodney Baze Jr.: I should have popped that motherfucker.
- John Petty: That would be the last motherfucker you ever popped.
- Rodney Baze Jr.: Am I supposed to be scared of him because he sucks on a lollipop?
- Russell Baze: Come work at the mill. I told you Roach would give you a job.
- Rodney Baze Jr.: No, man, I'd rather be fucking dead. Fuck the mill.
- Russell Baze: Fuck the mill. I work at the mill, you little fucker. It's good enough for me, it was good enough for our dad.
- Rodney Baze Jr.: The fucking mill killed our dad!
- Rodney Baze Jr.: Working for a living? I gave my life for this country and what's it done for me? Huh? What's it done for me?
- Russell Baze: There's nothing wrong with working for a living.
- Rodney Baze Jr.: Working for a living? What do you call this, motherfucker?
- [shows long scar on his belly]
- Rodney Baze Jr.: Is that working for a living? Huh? Is it working for a living when a carried my best friend's legs under this arm, and the rest of him under this arm? I saw a fucking baby with his fucking head cut off. I saw a fucking pile of feet in the middle of the street, and I had to clean it up. I gave my fucking life for my country. That's not work?
- Rodney Baze Jr.: [voice-over] Russ, I'm sorry about the other day. I know you're looking out for me. But you gotta understand that I'm different than I was before I left. And I think that I always will be. I can't explain how exactly. My head is just full of stuff and I can't get it out. But I'm gonna turn things around. I'm gonna do this one last fight and then I'll be done. Then I'm gonna shovel asphalt or dig for coal or I'll work with you and Roach at the mill. I'll do anything. I'm gonna get things back on track. I promise. I love you, man. I'll see you tomorrow when I get back.
- Russell Baze: [about jail] Could be worse.
- Rodney Baze Jr.: How could it be worse?
- Russell Baze: Well. I could've gone to Iraq with you.
- Rodney Baze Jr.: No shit.
- Russell Baze: No shit.
- Rodney Baze Jr.: I asked Lena to come down here, she said some bullshit about not wanting to see you like this.
- Russell Baze: She would. She doesn't like this place very good...
- Rodney Baze Jr.: She doesn't like this place? What, is there someone that likes this place?
- Russell Baze: Just give her a break. What about you, you still seeing the... the... "woof-woof...? Woof-woof! Down!"
- [he makes more dog sounds, and they both laugh]
- Rodney Baze Jr.: Oh man... I almost forgot about her. Thanks a lot.