"Secret of Le Chi's Garden" is based on the real historical case named "Le Chi Vien". A famous case of Vietnamese history about the life of Nguyen Trai Confucian scholar. He is a skilled pol... Read all"Secret of Le Chi's Garden" is based on the real historical case named "Le Chi Vien". A famous case of Vietnamese history about the life of Nguyen Trai Confucian scholar. He is a skilled politician and a master strategist as well. Nguyen Trai is a Vietnamese hero-emperor. He insp... Read all"Secret of Le Chi's Garden" is based on the real historical case named "Le Chi Vien". A famous case of Vietnamese history about the life of Nguyen Trai Confucian scholar. He is a skilled politician and a master strategist as well. Nguyen Trai is a Vietnamese hero-emperor. He inspired the Vietnamese populace to support open rebellion against the Ming Dynasty rulers. He... Read all