Manchevski's newest feature, Kaymak, explores the lives of disparate families in this smart black comedy. Once again he touches on themes of maternal instinct, spontaneity, unfettered joy, and casual cruelty that cuts to the quick. Juxtaposing peaceful village scenery with the claustrophobic jam-packed city, the story follows two couples who embark on unconventional romantic liaisons. Sara Klimoska, who was also in Manchevski's Willow, brings a tender vulnerability to Dosta, the village girl who visits the big city, while Aleksandar Mikic's fun-loving security guard was also delightful to watch. How, or even whether, these stories are going to intersect isn't clear at first - as in many of Manchevski's movies, you're never quite sure where it's going until he's ready to let you know - but Manchevski gives us characters to care about and root for in this offbeat love story.