- Mary Davis, a girl of the tenements, one day passes a beautiful home and sees a child playing on the lawn. When the nurse's back is turned she hugs the child to her breast. Turning, the nurse orders her off the grounds. Bill Ellis, a laborer, is fired by his employer. Dick Meredith, for being intoxicated and he leaves the office vowing vengeance. He calls in to see his pal. Tom Davis, tells him he is fired, and demands to know where Mary is. Getting no response from Davis, who has been drinking he starts to enter the girl's bedroom but is stopped by her father. There is a struggle and Mary, returning home, comes between them. The following day Dick Meredith is bidding his little daughter good-bye. This scene is witnessed by Bill, who is being trailed by Mary as she has overheard Bill tell her father that he will get even with Meredith. The little girl's dog strays from the grounds with the child pursuing and is lost. Bill finds the child crying over the loss of her dog and induces her to follow him by telling her that he will get the dog. He takes her to the tenement and locks her in the bedroom. Now satisfied that he is even with his employer he proceeds to get intoxicated and falling asleep, his overturned pipe sets the room afire. Meanwhile Mary, terrified at what Bill may do to the child, has sent a boy on a delivery wagon to tell Meredith to come at once to the tenement. The boy delivers the message at the country club and Meredith gets into his auto and drives to the house. After dispatching the boy Mary returns home and finds the kitchen door locked and as she stands there smoke begins to issue from the door. Becoming alarmed she finds a rope, ascends to the root, lowers herself to the bedroom window and rescues the child. While this is happening Bill is consumed in the flames in the kitchen. Dick Meredith reaches the scene of the conflagration as Mary and the child descend the rope and he takes his daughter and Mary to his home. A year elapses and Meredith, who has carefully watched the constant devotion of Mary to his child, falls in love with her and asks her to marry him.—Moving Picture World synopsis
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