- Jimmy Page: The day when you pick up a guitar there's nothing coming through whatsoever. There's no new pieces or new ideas. And that's the sort of gift any creative person has. There's always that point when it might happen to you, when you're too old to pick the guitar up. And we're just trying to keep that day far, far away, and out of sight.
- The Edge: The first guitar I ever bought. This was, you know, brand new when I bought it. It's just been with me ever since and when we recorded our first album with Steve Lillywhite,we were in the studio in Dublin and we did the backing tracks. And he said "You know, lets do some over-dubs with a different guitar". I said "What do you mean? We only have one guitar". This is the only guitar we own in the band.
- [Jack and Jimmy laugh]
- The Edge: Spinal Tap. That's a movie that I watched. I didn't laugh, I wept. It was so close to the truth.