Thunderbird Dinwiddie credited as playing...
Pamela Barnes
- Dean Winchester: We're here!
- Sam Winchester: Pamela, hey!
- Pamela Barnes: Sam?
- Sam Winchester: Yeah, it's me. It's Sam.
- Pamela Barnes: Sam?
- Sam Winchester: Yeah.
- Pamela Barnes: Sam, is that you?
- Sam Winchester: I'm right here.
- Pamela Barnes: Ohh... Know how I can tell?
- [grabs Sam's butt, he is taken aback]
- Pamela Barnes: That perky little ass of yours. You could bounce a nickel off that thing! Of course I know it's you, Grumpy.
- [nods toward Ruby and Anna]
- Pamela Barnes: Same way I know that's a demon, and that poor girl is Anna. And that you've been eyeing my rack!
- [Sam is flustered]
- Pamela Barnes: Don't sweat it, kiddo.