As construction of the Vasco da Gama, the largest space station ever put into orbit, nears completion, Nathan is visited by an old friend, who asks for his help in tracking down a missing undercover officer.
A murder at the historic scene of the first Apollo moon landing offers few clues for the Star Cops. Why would anyone want to kill Philip Hughes, a property entrepreneur?
Tech Tower is a state of the art, high-security, high-technology building located in Paris. It seems the ideal venue for an international conference on how to counter the growing threat from the Mother Earth group.
A failed bombing of Moonbase provides the Star Cops with an opportunity to strike back at Mother Earth. Paul Bailey is called on to use his undercover skills once more.
At Lunar Interments, the moon's graveyard for the wealthy, the caretaker has noticed something odd in the burial records. Odd enough for him to call in the Star Cops.
The Charlie Chaplin is a second-hand space station operated as a space-tourism hub. When Nathan receives reports that serious accidents and even a death have been caused by Thane flouting safety laws, he decides to investigate.
The Star Cops are under intense pressure in the face of continuing Mother Earth attacks. The very existence of the International Space Police Force is in jeopardy.