I love history and politics so this 4 part doc from "Showtime" called "The Reagans" was must viewing for me. It was indeed informative and revealing which was historical and biography type telling of Ronald's early and humble start of being a radio announcer to his start in Hollywood with B pictures, to his election as California governor to his rise as the president. All of this is supported by footage vintage clips and news interviews and interviews are given with media people and republican cabinet members Jim Baker, Ed Rollins, and Stu Spencer are interviewed as they give thoughts and opinions. Plus son Ron Jr. give his thoughts on his parents life and how they seemed different as he did not always agree with them. Shown also is how Ronald was influenced by his Hollywood days to become pro right and leave his union membership, and after elected he became a pro military hawk and was influenced in domestic issues by the religious right. Also his final term was plagued by scandal the Iran contra affair, and Nancy always ruled and looked over his shoulder even though she consulted with the stars. Plus his final years hints and clues were displayed by the actor/politician of memory loss. Really great super doc that looks back at an era and a man that shaped many things like him or hate him see this doc if you are a political or history type buff!