I'm not new to Finnish tv series but this one went above and beyond my expectations. The best adjective that I can use to describe it is "quirky".
It might sound a bit odd the used adjective but it summarises how it is. I was amazed since the very first episode and you really do not know what is going to happen therefore you want watch more and more. Jussi Vatanen is an extraordinary actor, and from my point of view, one of those able to portrait anything. It's not the first time I see him on screen and he is absolutely talented without detracting anything to the rest of the cast that made a splendid job. His research to identify who is culprit, maybe knowing who might be, is another reason why you want to keep watching it. I think the number of episodes is the right ones as well. My question is, how much "gelato" can a person eat? This a recommended tv series to watch, very different from what we might have been used to watch coming from across the ocean. Scandinavian shows are so well done and hit the point every single time.