Charlotte Riley credited as playing...
- Heathcliff: Going somewhere?
- Cathy: Where would I go, my love? It's raining.
- Heathcliff: Yet you have that silk frock on, my love.
- Heathcliff: Someone coming here, perhaps?
- Cathy: Perhaps.
- Heathcliff: Edgar Linton?
- Cathy: [freeing her head from Nellie's fussing hands] I said enough, Nellie... Let me alone!
- Heathcliff: [slowly walking towards Cathy] Three months ago we lay together yet since then every evening is spent with the Lintons!
- Cathy: Perhaps I find Edgar easier company. Perhaps he doesn't talk of curses and fall into a brooding silence.
- Heathcliff: So you dislike my company?
- Cathy: It's no company at all when people know nothing and say nothing.
- Heathcliff: [hurt, and giving away as much] Yeah... There. At last you said that I am no longer worthy of you.
- Heathcliff: [bitterly] I say, may you suffer for this.
- Cathy: [holding back tears] So I am cursed too, am I?
- Heathcliff: No, I am the one that is truly cursed. I was cursed the moment I laid eyes on you.
- Cathy: Why are you refusing to see me?
- Heathcliff: Cause I don't know you. Hindley's right, that little savage is lost and it was her that I loved.
- Cathy: I know you. And I love you.
- Heathcliff: In the way a mistress loves a servant?
- Cathy: No.
- Heathcliff: Come away with me then, as we planned. There.
- [points to her face]
- Heathcliff: It's your pause that betrays you.
- Cathy: I'm frightened.
- Heathcliff: Of what? Of me? Or poverty?
- Cathy: You're asking me to risk my reputation. Once a woman's reputation is gone she has nothing.
- Heathcliff: [incredulous] The old Cathy would never have said such a thing.
- Cathy: The old Cathy didn't know the world and how it regarded...
- Heathcliff: [grabs Cathy, interrupting her] I tried to leave you. Your love holds me here. Now if you mean to be indifferent to me as least do me the favor of releasing me.
- Cathy: Perhaps your fortune has changed you.
- Heathcliff: Oh, my fortune has changed me in every regard. Except one. And if I could change that too, I would do so.
- Cathy: [contemplative, facing the fireplace, upon hearing someone walk in] If that's you, Nellie, then I am sorry for scolding you. I wish now that you had stayed.
- Heathcliff: [walking up to Cathy] It is not Nellie, it is I.
- [while Cathy still refuses to look into his eyes]
- Heathcliff: Why, Cathy, what is it? What's the matter?
- Cathy: [finally looking up and at him, solemnly] Edgar Linton has asked me to marry him.
- Heathcliff: [searching Cathy's eyes] And, have you given him your answer?
- [Cathy nods negatively]
- Heathcliff: But you did not say no!
- [Cathy nods negatively, again]
- Heathcliff: And have you considered how you will bear the separation from me, and how I would be quite deserted in the world without you?
- [pauses for a moment]
- Heathcliff: Did you consider that?
- Cathy: You quite deserted! We separated! Who is to separate us, pray?
- Heathcliff: [stressing his each word] You would be Mrs. Linton.
- Cathy: Yes. As Mrs. Linton I can aid you to rise and place you out of my brother's power.
- Heathcliff: [with controlled indignation] With your husband's money you'll rescue me...
- [walking away from Cathy towards the door, and then turning back]
- Heathcliff: Do you think I can endure such a thing?
- [Cathy rushes to Heathcliff, attempts to kiss him]
- Heathcliff: [holding Cathy back, accentuating each word, with loathing] You will be Mrs. Linton.
- Heathcliff: What's that? There's a look in your eyes. My God, I think it's guilt. You've been with him, haven't you? You've laid with Edgar, haven't you?
- Cathy: He's my husband.
- Heathcliff: As if your pretend marriage matters to me? How am I to look at you? How am I to touch you now that his milky feeble hands have held you as I'm holding you now, you disgust me.
- Cathy: [watches a smiling Heathcliff enter] Do not smile, my love...
- Heathcliff: If I tell you why I am smiling, I think you will smile too.
- Cathy: [almost whispering] Tell me...
- Heathcliff: As Hindley was flogging me, I chanted a curse you know... He has lost the only person who ever loved him.
- Cathy: [aghast] You cannot welcome the death of a baby's mother!
- Heathcliff: I will welcome anything that makes Hindley suffer.
- Cathy: [quietly commands Heathcliff] Say you're sorry for talking like this my love...
- Heathcliff: [shrugging] I am not sorry.
- Cathy: [sadly] Sometimes I think your true passion is hate rather than love.