- San Francisco Chronicle [Tim Goodman]
- Actionfreunde.de
- German
- Are You Screening?
- Bullz-Eye.com [Will Harris]
- Carstairs Considers [Mark]
- Common Sense Media [Will Wade]
- critic.de
- German
- De Nachtvlinders [Frank Mulder]
- Dutch
- Dread Central DVD Review [Uncle Creepy]
- DVD Sleuth [Mike Long]
- Failing Grade Podcast
- HK and Cult Film News -- The DVD Edition [porfle]
- Home Theater Info DVD Review
- Horror Digital - DVD Review [Rhett Miller]
- Independent.co.uk [Tom Sutcliffe]
- Infini-Tropolis
- Manifest - Das Filmmagazin [Thorsten Hanisch]
- German
- Mann beisst Film
- German
- Movie Machine [Constant Hoogenbosch]
- Dutch
- Moviemuser.co.uk DVD [Sean Wilson]
- Movieplayer.it [Antonio Cuomo]
- Italian
- Screenjabber.com
- seanax.com [Sean Axmaker]
- Shivers Of Horror [Kat]
- The Devil Rides Out [Harveth Gil]
- Spanish
- TheMarckoguy [Markus]
- TvSeriesPortal.info [Dimitris Effrosunidis]
- Greek
- Vegan Voorhees
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