Craig Robinson credited as playing...
Craig Robinson
- Jay Baruchel: Guys, listen listen. I think we need to address the elephant in the room
- Seth Rogen: Whoa, Jay, don't talk about Craig like that.
- Craig Robinson: That's fucked up. I'm right here man.
- Jay Baruchel: I'm not calling Craig an elephant.
- James Franco: That's racist.
- Jonah Hill: Um, can I have that Milky Way?
- James Franco: No, you can't have the Milky Way. That's my Milky Way. I went out this morning and specifically bought this Milky Way to eat after my party.
- Jay Baruchel: That's weird.
- James Franco: It's not weird, it's my special food, I like it. Back me up on that, Seth.
- Seth Rogen: I don't think you should get the whole Milky Way. I want some of the Milky Way.
- Craig Robinson: I'd be pretty bummed if I don't at least get a bite of the Milky Way.
- James Franco: Oh, now Craig wants a bite of the Milky Way.
- Craig Robinson: Yeah, I want a bite of the Milky Way! It's a fucking Milky Way.
- Jay Baruchel: A fifth of everything is what's fair and reasonable.
- Seth Rogen: Everyone gets a fifth of everything.
- James Franco: [to Craig] I want one fifth of your t-shirt!
- Seth Rogen: Jesus fucking Christ.
- Craig Robinson: You might wanna stay away from saying that.
- Seth Rogen: Jesus fucking Christ? Why? Why can't I say that?
- Craig Robinson: One of the ten commandments. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
- Seth Rogen: Jesus isn't the name of the Lord. God is the name of the Lord.
- Craig Robinson: Jesus and God is all the same.
- Jay Baruchel: It's a trinity.
- Craig Robinson: The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.
- James Franco: It's like Neapolitan ice cream.
- Craig Robinson: Hey! Hey, asshole! Hey, come on! Pickle dick, demonic-looking motherfucker. Nobody's scared of you. You ain't a raccoon. Yeah, bring your ass, bitch. Nobody's scared of you. I'm Craig fucking Robinson! Yeah! I hope you like big dick, motherfucker, 'cause, I'm about to fuck you raw. For the last goddamn time! Take your panties off!
- Craig Robinson: Dude, Segel's dead, Krumholtz is dead, Michael Cera's dead...
- Danny McBride: I guess if Michael Cera's dead it's not a total loss, huh?
- Danny McBride: Franco, you're just a pretentious fucking nerd.
- James Franco: Fuck you!
- Danny McBride: And Jonah... you fucking cunt. Craig... you didn't have my back back there. You fucking disappoint me.
- Craig Robinson: Bro...
- Danny McBride: And Seth... you duplicitous taint.
- Seth Rogen: What?
- Danny McBride: And of course there's Jay... the self-righteous, cocksucking, two-faced backstabber.
- Jay Baruchel: What the fuck are you talking about?
- Seth Rogen: It's already going crazy out there, guys! We can't leave. I'm not leaving. Okay? I'm a victim! I've had a victim's mentality my whole life, people can smell it on me! When I was a kid, I had man titties. The bullies held me down, they titty fucked me!
- James Franco: That's what's happening out there right now!
- Craig Robinson: We are all soft.
- Seth Rogen: Yeah.
- Craig Robinson: We are all soft! We are actors, we pretend to be hard, man! We soft as baby shit!
- James Franco: As baby shit!
- Craig Robinson: C'mon Rihanna, take yo' panties off fo' me.
- Rihanna: C'mon Craig, will you *fuck off* fo' me.
- James Franco: Dude look helicopters, helicopter, the good guys are here. We're fine, we're gonna be fine
- [Helicopter crashes and propeller flies through window and sticks into wall next to Craig]
- Craig Robinson: [Screaming and jumping] Goddamn, Goddamn
- James Franco: You okay?
- Craig Robinson: No I'm not okay.
- [Shows finger with small scratch and blood]
- Craig Robinson: Fuck yo house Franco
- James Franco: My house didn't do that
- Emma Watson: Look at him, he's like a hipster. Right?
- Jay Baruchel: No. No, I'm not a hipster. At all.
- Craig Robinson: Yeah, you do seem to hate a lot of things and the bottom of your pants are awful tight.
- Jay Baruchel: No, I just... I don't like Los Angeles. That's it. It doesn't make me a hipster.
- Craig Robinson: I bet you hate movies that are universally loved.
- Jay Baruchel: I don't even...
- Craig Robinson: You like Forrest Gump?
- Jay Baruchel: No, no, it's a horrendous piece of shit...
- Emma Watson: Life is like a box of chocolates? No?
- Jay Baruchel: No, I'm familiar with it.
- Craig Robinson: You never know what you're gonna get.
- Craig Robinson: Yo, so, I just drank my own pee for the first time... and...
- [laughs]
- Craig Robinson: it ain't bad. I never thought to do it, I always thought, you know, pee stink, whatever, but... Shh.
- [holds up a cocktail glass filled with pee]
- [after finding James' secret stash of food]
- Craig Robinson: What the fuck is all this, Franco?
- James Franco: Uh... it looks like food! How'd that get there?
- Seth Rogen: What? You have more food?
- Craig Robinson: You knew he had extra food?
- Seth Rogen: He gave me one cracker!
- Craig Robinson: I would have sucked a dick for half a cracker!
- James Franco: Alright, well, maybe I didn't want you to suck my dick, alright!
- Craig Robinson: I didn't want to suck it! That's the point of what I said!
- Danny McBride: And then there's Jay: the self-righteous, cock-sucking, two-faced backstabber...
- Jay Baruchel: [flabbergasted] What the fuck are you talking about?
- Danny McBride: I overheard your little conversation with Craig, alright? The only reason why you "care" about any of us is because you think that's what God wants you to do. You don't give a shit about us.
- Jay Baruchel: No, no, no, no, that's fucking twisting that shit around. You're fucking lying!
- Danny McBride: Am I twisting *this*?
- [pause]
- Danny McBride: I believe you were in Los Angeles... TWO MONTHS AGO at the Four Seasons. I saw you there and you specifically asked me... NOT to tell Seth so that you could maintain the illusion that you *always* stay with Seth when you're in Los Angeles!
- Craig Robinson: Oooooooooooooooooooh Jay...
- Seth Rogen: What the fuck, man...
- Danny McBride: Textbook twattage.