Emma Watson credited as playing...
Emma Watson
- Emma Watson: Give me everything you have to drink!
- Seth Rogen: There are six of us! You cannot rob us!
- Emma Watson: I'm NOT fucking around!
- Emma Watson: Look at him, he's like a hipster. Right?
- Jay Baruchel: No. No, I'm not a hipster. At all.
- Craig Robinson: Yeah, you do seem to hate a lot of things and the bottom of your pants are awful tight.
- Jay Baruchel: No, I just... I don't like Los Angeles. That's it. It doesn't make me a hipster.
- Craig Robinson: I bet you hate movies that are universally loved.
- Jay Baruchel: I don't even...
- Craig Robinson: You like Forrest Gump?
- Jay Baruchel: No, no, it's a horrendous piece of shit...
- Emma Watson: Life is like a box of chocolates? No?
- Jay Baruchel: No, I'm familiar with it.
- Craig Robinson: You never know what you're gonna get.