I wasn't expecting much from this Netflix documentary series about obscure competitive events but that first episode about the cheese rolling got me hooked. It's a curious rural pass time well-known to people nationally (and locally to me) and seeing it with an expensive slo-mo filter and big fancy cameras gave it a sort of wild and hilarious grandeur that I found really charming. It doesn't necessarily reach those giddy heights (not aiming for wordplay there) again but the formula is an engaging one. Wittily edited with a sort of rousingly droll narration by Rainn Wilson and with a lush documentarian-style focus - as an anthology format it was excellent. The virus world might have put a damper on these sort of niche crowd events to prevent us getting another series but I'd certainly watch more, there are no end to these manner of strange competitive events the world over and if a producer is listening LOOK UP SOMERSET CARNIVAL CLUBS.