A postal worker is targeted for a bag and tag... but he may be able to defend himself better than they expected. This starts in medias res, and does remain tight and intense throughout.
The plot here doesn't matter, and isn't compelling. This does have a little action and abilities(decent enough concepts for them, too) use, on both sides of the conflict herein. The fakest-looking gun in the history of fiction makes a return. It is one of the three mini-series that take place in the same universe as Heroes, aired as webisodes before the show itself went off the air, and has since been put on the season 3 set of it. The other two are Hard Knox(as deleted scenes, since if there's one thing the show did, it was take footage and bits and cut and/or move them around, vastly changing the character dynamics. Let's just throw everything at the wall and see what sticks) and Nowhere Man. This has a running time of 10 minutes, and is in 3 parts. Without knowing the budget, I would say it looks pretty good. Fine storytelling, pacing, production, direction, editing, cinematography, FX, sound work, music, dialog, acting, casting, etc.
This contains some violence and disturbing content. I recommend this only to completists. 7/10