I mean cmon, I'm not giving it a 10 or anything but u gotta kinda know what to expect. Unless ur like a 12 yr old whose been cut off from the entertaInment world or younger, you must have seen some pretty bad movies. And if your wondering about a movie called 'Wolvesbayne' your at least open to the idea of at least seeing these kinda movies. Finding a good movie on the topic this movie covers is rare. Maybe every decade 2-4 decent ones total come out on average & for the really good ones they are few & far between. I don't mind the London's as actors & Ren Stevens is awesome is under-appreciated gem at everything she does. If u watch this & have a bad rating may god have mercy on your soul. If your looking for big budget A list studded movie don't watch. But if you don't mind B-movies if acting is decent & you like movies in this genre it's worth a watch. I wouldn't rent it ova the thousands of movies u could at anytime. But if your on a streaming app or its on tv, u could do a lot worst with your time watching a movie. Again, if u hate movies in the genre skip it, should go without saying with any movie. But I thought for a movie that prob didn't have a big budget, it was nicely put together, was easy to watch & u know when u don't sit there picking apart a movie then it can't be that bad if u find yourself just quietly watching movie & then the ending credits. I love these kinda movies & appreciate em more so maybe dock a point if u'll watch em but don't love me but other than that I don't know how u cant at least walk away & feel its a 5 minimum. I think the movie "wolves" with Mamoa is the modern bench mark for this section of the genre, w/the howling, an American wwolf in Paris/London, beast must die, the beast among us to name a few are some worth checking out if u don't mind ones older than a decade old but for a newer B-movie flick i rather enjoyed it