Six Feet makes an unexpected mark with its thrilling exploration of anxiety, obsession, and the human condition amid a catastrophic global crisis. While the film doesn't quite reach the height of its ambitious intentions, it provides enough surprises and emotional substance to make it a worthy watch.
The film delves into the solitary life of the protagonist, who grapples with his anxiety disorder and cleaning obsession while manning an isolated motel in the midst of a deadly pandemic. His mundane existence takes a radical turn as quarantined guests arrive, and a potential motel contamination looms.
'Six Feet' offers an engrossing study of character dynamics under extreme conditions. The atmospheric isolation is portrayed with palpable dread, contrasting against the mundane duties the protagonist tirelessly adheres to. These elements work together to create a suffocating setting that does well to mirror the protagonist's psychological state.
While the plot is straightforward, it is the unexpected twists and turns that prove to be the film's saving grace, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats. As the tension escalates, the sense of imminent suspense mixed with doom keeps you riveted, crafting a narrative that, despite its quiet demeanour, rarely lacks intrigue.