- [from trailer]
- Amphiaraus: No matter how far you go, man cannot escape his fate. Who are you? Are you a murderer? Are you a mercenary who turns his back on the innocent? We believe in you! We have faith in you! Remember the deeds you have performed, the labors you have overcome! Are you only the legend, or are you truth behind the legend? Now, tell me, WHO ARE YOU?
- Hercules: I AM HERCULES!
- [from trailer]
- [a javelin comes at Amphiaraus]
- Amphiaraus: My time...
- [Hercules stops the javelin]
- Amphiaraus: Do you mind? I was having a moment!
- Hercules: You're welcome.
- King Eurystheus: When the people called out your name louder than mine, you see, when they saw you as a god, how long... before they saw you as their king?
- Hercules: I wanted nothing!
- King Eurystheus: Precisely! Your sin, Hercules, was that you had no ambition! I can deal with an ambitious man! He can be bought! But a man who wants nothing has no price!
- Iolaus: General Sitacles, perhaps you would care to inspect the armour of Hercules?
- Sitacles: [Tries on the armour] Leather armour? We will be skewered like pigs.
- [Turns as Tydeus strikes him with an axe]
- Iolaus: Linothorax. Hewn from the skin of the Erymanthean boar. It's indestructible.
- Man in crowd: Wait. If it's indestructible, how did Hercules cut It off the boar?
- Iolaus: He used an indestructible blade.
- Hercules: In this moment, on this day, become the man you were born to be. You have it within yourself to write your own legend. Let it be to death, or Victory!
- Amphiaraus: [has a vision] A lion and a crow in strange alliance, fighting across a sea of corpses...
- Autolycus: If you're going to use those herbs, Amphiaraus, at least share.
- [first lines]
- Amphiaraus: ou think you know the truth about him? You know nothing. His father was Zeus. The Zeus. King of the gods. His mother, Alcmene, a mortal woman. Together, they had a boy. Half human, half god. But Zeus' queen, Hera, saw this bastard child as an insult, a living reminder of her husband's infidelity. Alcmene named the boy Hercules, which means glory of Hera, but this failed to appease the goddess. She wanted him dead. Luckily, he took after his father. Once he reached manhood, the gods commanded him to perform Twelve Labors, twelve dangerous missions. If he completed them all and survived, Hera agreed to finally let him live in peace. He fought the Lernean Hydra! He battled the Etymanthean Boar! But his greatest Labor was the Nemean Lion. This was no ordinary beast. It had a hide so tough, no weapon could penetrate it. But even this monster was no match for the son of Zeus...
- Bessi Leader: What a load of crap!