Max Martini credited as playing...
Jack Campbell
- Watkins: Jack Campbell.
- Jack Campbell: Chief Watkins.
- Watkins: Back in town a half an hour and already giving me a headache
- [pause]
- Watkins: I got my eye on you, Jack.
- Georgie Bautista: The gauntlet, it starts tonight. They said if you ever want to see your Sarah safe again, if you ever want to find the men who did this to your brother...
- Jack Campbell: What did they say?
- Georgie Bautista: You gotta fight.
- Jack Campbell: Then that's what they'll get.
- Jack Campbell: I know you don't I?
- Zeke: [laughs] You see that. That's what I'm talking about. That's why I have the odds. He knows me. I'm famous.
- McDonough: He probably watched ESPN Classic.
- Jack Campbell: So you're all here to beat each other to death?
- Santo: Death? Well, not if we can help it. We're all in the same boat man.
- Jack Campbell: What boat's that?
- Santo: You're not thinking of trying to leave the gauntlet, are you? That's dangerous talk, man.
- Jack Campbell: I want answers.
- Santo: And what are you gonna do, Campbell? We told you, asking questions can only lead to more trouble.
- Jack Campbell: I'm okay with trouble. Pope doesn't own me, Santo. He doesn't own you, McDonough, or any of us. It's time someone told him that. Him and his muscle, Isaiah.