- Abus de ciné [Sylvia Grandgirard]
- French
- carmattos [Carlos Alberto Mattos]
- Portuguese
- CGiii.com [Anderson Cutler]
- Cine Divergente [Manu Argüelles]
- Spanish
- Cine.gr [Vasilis Kagioglidis]
- Greek
- Cinemagazine [Monica Meijer]
- Dutch
- Dennis Schwartz [Dennis Schwartz]
- Eye Weekly [Jason Anderson]
- filmtotaal.nl [Arman Avsaroglu]
- Dutch
- Hollywood Reporter [Peter Brunette]
- Last Night With Riviera [Matt Riviera]
- Movie Machine [Constant Hoogenbosch]
- Dutch
- Movie Moxie [Shannon Ridler]
- Movieplayer.it [Luca Liguori] (italian)
- Moving Pictures magazine [Ron Holloway]
- MYmovies.it [Giancarlo Zappoli]
- Italian
- OtrosCines.com [Diego Batlle]
- Spanish
- OtrosCines.com [Manuel Yáñez Murillo]
- Spanish
- OutNow!
- German
- Quinlan.it [Lorenzo Leone]
- Italian
- Screen International [Dan Fainaru]
- ScreenAnarchy [Ard Vijn]
- ScreenAnarchy [Kurt Halfyard]
- Taipei Times [Ho Yi]
- The Auteurs
- The Worldwide Celluloid Massacre
- Twitch [Ard Vijn]
- Twitch [Kurt Halfyard]
- UnGrandMoment.be [Nicolas Gilson]
- French
- UZAK [Gemma Adesso] (Italy)
- Variety.com [Jordan Mintzer]
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