It is mid day where Teddy is at the beginning of the movie, however an hour later it is late night for him, like the rest of the characters.
On the home screen (at the beginning of the movie), it show 19 in the calendar logo but the date show 30.
In Zoom's gallery view, the person who is talking (or making the most noise) should be surrounded by a yellow box.
(at around 44 mins) It is established early on that Zoom meeting has a waiting room enable. When Teddy rejoins the call later the host is otherwise occupied and couldn't have admitted him to the call.
(at around 45 mins) In the film, it is acknowledged that the 40 minutes zoom free trial is expiring soon. However, by the time the final jump scare at the end of the film, and end of the zoom trial, is reached, the film is at the 54:38 mark.